Page 34 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 34


                                             AT&T Integrating 5G with Microsoft Cloud

        Microsoft  and  AT&T  are  ramping  up  innovation  in  the
        early  days  of  their  strategic  alliance  announced  in  July.
        One area of focus is aimed at enabling new 5G, cloud and
        edge computing solutions to drive enterprise capabilities
        for  companies  around  the  world.  The  companies  are
        opening  select  preview  availability  for  Network  Edge
        Compute  (NEC)  technology,  which  weaves  Microsoft
        Azure  cloud  services  into  AT&T  network  edge  locations
        closer  to  customers.  This  means  AT&T’s  software-
        defined and virtualized 5G core – what the company calls
        the Network Cloud – is now capable of delivering Azure
        services. NEC will initially be available for a limited set of
        select  customers  in  Dallas.  Next  year,  Los  Angeles  and
        Atlanta are targeted for select customer availability. From   5G and edge for gaming, drones, and more
        making  the  world’s  first  5G  millimeter  wave  browsing   One  example  of  how  edge  computing  can  unlock  new  scenarios  and
        session  on  a  commercial  5G  device  to  groundbreaking   experiences is in mobile gaming, where gaming company Game Cloud
        commercial  installations  in  healthcare,  manufacturing   Network has created a unique 5G game that’s hosted on the network
        and entertainment, AT&T has proved itself to be a leader   edge  with  Microsoft  Azure.  Game  Cloud  Network  is  a  pioneer  in
        in  5G.  The  company  recently  activated  an  industry-first   developing game-based brand engagement and a customer of AT&T. The
        400-gigabit  connection  between  Dallas  and  Atlanta  to   company is now showcasing its new “Tap & Field” game, which utilizes
        support video, gaming and other 5G needs. AT&T serves   Microsoft’s Azure PlayFab services. In the game, users race each other
        parts of 21 cities with its 5G network using millimeter wave   in  near-real  time  via  this  track-and-field-style  game,  enabled  by  the
        spectrum  (5G+)  and  plans  to  offer  nationwide  5G  in  the   speed of 5G-connected devices. “5G gaming provides consumers with
        first half of 2020. “The first smartphones on 3G networks   the  best  of  both  worlds:  highly-immersive  experiences  on  lightweight
        introduced the idea of mobile apps over a decade ago. A   mobile devices,” said Aaron Baker, chief executive officer, Game Cloud
        few years later, 4G LTE made it feasible to connect those   Network. “AT&T and Microsoft are building the perfect environment for
        devices  faster  to  cloud  applications  to  stream  videos,   game  developers  to  create  amazing  new  possibilities  for  gamers.  5G
        hail rides, and broadcast content to the world,” said Mo   and edge computing have the potential to radically change how we play
        Katibeh, EVP and chief marketing officer, AT&T Business.   together and launch new business opportunities for brands and game
        “With our 5G and edge computing, AT&T is collaborating   publishers.” Through AT&T Foundry, AT&T and Microsoft are exploring
        uniquely with Microsoft to marry their cloud capabilities   proofs-of-concept  including  augmented  and  virtual  reality  scenarios
        with  our  network  to  create  lower  latency  between  the   and drones. For example, both companies continue to work with Israeli
        device and the cloud that will unlock new, future scenarios   startup Vorpal, helping its VigilAir product track drones in commercial
        for  consumers  and  businesses.  We’ve  said  all  year   zones,  airports,  and  other  areas  with  near-instant  positioning.  The
        developers and businesses will be the early 5G adopters,   companies also recently demoed using Microsoft HoloLens to provide
        and this puts both at the forefront of this revolution.” This   3D schematic overlays for technicians making repairs to airplanes and
        innovation points to a future where high-end augmented   other industrial equipment.
        reality glasses are as thin and stylish as a standard pair   Progress toward a “public-cloud first company” and more
        of  eyeglasses,  lightweight  drones  can  track  themselves   Microsoft  is  also  helping  AT&T  Communications  become  a  “public-
        and  thousands  of  nearby  companions  in  near-real  time,   cloud first” company by migrating most non-network workloads to the
        and autonomous cars have access to nearly-instant data   public cloud by 2024, and this migration to Azure is already underway.
        processing  capabilities  without  having  to  install  a  mini   Another  important part of AT&T’s strategy is to empower  much of its
        data center in the trunk. “We are helping AT&T light up a   workforce  with  Microsoft  365.  This  includes  cloud-connected  Office
        wide  range  of  unique  solutions  powered  by  Microsoft’s   apps on Windows 10, and modern collaboration with Microsoft Teams,
        cloud, both for its business and our mutual customers in   SharePoint and OneDrive. AT&T has begun rolling out these solutions to
        a secure and trusted way,” said Corey Sanders, corporate   tens of thousands of employees to help drive a culture of modern work.
        vice  president,  Microsoft  Solutions.  “The  collaboration   AT&T and Microsoft will have more to share over the coming months and
        reaches across AT&T, bringing the hyperscale of Microsoft   years as this unique alliance continues to evolve and expand. The two
        Azure together with AT&T’s network to innovate with 5G   companies will both create and adopt new technologies to develop tools,
        and edge computing across every industry.”        commercial services and consumer applications that benefit everyone.

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