Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 112



        The  total  number  of  Bangladesh’s  mobile  phone  subscribers   percent), infrastructure providers (12 percent), and the handset
        hit over 164 million at the end of October with addition of 7.18   industry,  content  applications  and  other  services  providers  (5
        million new users in the first 10 months of this year, statistics   percent). Shahed Alam, chief corporate and regulatory officer of
        of  the  country’s  telecom  regulator  showed  Monday.  According   Robi, said the country has made tremendous progress towards
        to  data  from  the  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory   implementing the Digital Bangladesh vision by 2021. He said with
        Commission  (BTRC),  the  number  of  subscribers  in  the  country   Robi, mobile operators have created the platform for the digital
        reached  164.170  million  in  October.  Bangladesh  has  now  four   economy to take off in the country. “As part of that we are already
        mobile companies, three of which are foreign-backed cell phone   in the process of transforming ourselves into a digital company
        operators.  The  number  of  subscribers  of  the  mobile  operators,   by diversifying our product and service portfolio through digital
        Grameenphone,  Robi  Axiata,  Banglalink  and  state-run  Teletalk   innovation.  This  transformational  journey  is  helping  us  get
        stood  at  76.067  million,  48.349  million,  35.049  million  and   integrated  with  all  elements  of  the  country’s  rich  and  varied
        4.706million  respectively  at  the  end  of  October,  BTRC  data   socio-economic  fabric.”  “Therefore,  the  telecom  sector  is
        showed.  According  to  the  statistics  of  the  country’s  telecom   becoming the key enabler for the country to achieve the targets
        regulator, the number of Bangladesh’s mobile phone subscribers   set in the Sustainable Development Goals.” The report found that
        stood at 156.989 million at the end of December 2018.  the total number of smartphone users was 48 million in 2017 and
        (December 23, 2019)                      it will go up by threefold to 138 million in 2025. “As the number of
                                                               smartphones will grow, the mobile broadband connection will grow
        The  telecommunication  industry’s  revenue  will  grow  by  34   accordingly.” The report said the telecom sector has experienced
        percent in the next five years to $5.08 billion from $3.8 billion at   sluggish  growth  in  the  face  of  rapid  digital  disruption  and  an
        present, on the back of expanding user base and wide range of   unfavorable regulatory regime. It listed the challenges facing the
        services, said the USAID in a new study. “The sector is quite large   sector.  They  include  rising  use  of  communication  applications
        in  size  and  has  a  crucial  contribution  to  achieving  the  goal  of   which  are  gradually  eating  up  the  core  revenue  stream;  higher
        making Bangladesh a middle-income country,” said the report of   corporate tax; higher customer acquisition price; the lowest return;
        the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)   and low investment for network up gradation and maintenance.
        published recently. The industry employs about 7.60 lakh people   It  recommended  supporting  internet-based  startups  that  have
        directly,  of  which  92.5  percent  are  unskilled  and  7  percent  are   cross-cutting  impacts  on  industries  such  as  telemedicine  and
        women,  the  Comprehensive  Private  Sector  Assessment  report   ridesharing as well as introducing IT-enabled working space to
        said. The job growth rate in the sector will be 9 percent from 2016   support  entrepreneurs,  freelancers,  and  crowdsourcing  in  rural
        to 2020. The USAID Bangladesh has listed 16 emerging sectors in   areas. AMTOB’s Farhad said though the market is growing rapidly,
        the study which could contribute a lot to the country’s economic   the industry is suffering a lot due to over-regulation, regulatory
        development, beyond that facilitated by the readymade garment   unpredictability,  and  a  weak  telecom  ecosystem.  “Super  high
        sector. Telecommunication is one of them. “The mobile telecom   taxation and the high price of spectrum are also impacting the
        service  in  Bangladesh  is  very  promising  as  the  operators  are   industry. Given the scenario, it will be very challenging to roll out
        providing standard services with extensive facilities to customers,”   5G service and implement Digital Bangladesh endeavour within
        said M. Farhad, Secretary General of the Association of Mobile   the  stipulated  time.”  “We  hope  that  the  government  and  the
        Telecom Operators of Bangladesh (AMTOB). The report said the   regulator will understand the reality and take appropriate actions
        country  is  undergoing  transformation  on  social  and  economic   to overcome the challenges.” Alam of Robi said the regulator’s
        fronts. Rapid changes have been observed in the lifestyle of the   traditional command and control mindset is failing to see beyond
        population. Connectivity has been an integral part of modern-day   the  immediate  concerns  of  revenue  collection.  “If  this  mindset
        life, thus accelerating the growth in mobile communication and   persists,  the  country  will  only  slow  down  its  progress  towards
        internet use. The use of social media platforms such as Facebook,   the creation of a full-fledged digital economy.” The USAID report
        WhatsApp,  Viber  and  video-streaming  sites  like  YouTube  have   called for an initiative, in collaboration with small internet service
        become part of everyday life for all classes of people, mostly young   providers, to provide last-mile services. At the end of fiscal 2017,
        and  middle-aged  groups.  The  use  of  social  media  is  growing   there were 85 million unique subscribers and it will be 107 million
        every day, resulting in more and more consumption  of internet   in 2025, making Bangladesh the fifth largest mobile market in the
        data. Steady population growth and increase in purchasing power   Asia Pacific and the ninth largest market in the world in terms
        will continue to drive the telecom sector growth, the report added.   of unique subscribers. Active mobile connections will reach 190
        In  2016-17,  the  telecommunications  sector  accounted  for  6.98   million at the end of 2025 and the number of 4G users will be
        percent,  or  $29.6  billion,  of  the  economy.  The  contribution  of   41 percent, the USAID report said, referring to the GSMA, a trade
        the sector is highly dominated by mobile operators with a direct   body that represents the interests of mobile network operators
        impact of 58 percent, followed by distributors and retailers (25   worldwide. (December 15, 2019)

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