Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 106


        New ITU Data Reveal Growing Internet Uptake but a Widening Digital Gender


        New data released by ITU reveal that in most countries worldwide women
        are  still  trailing  men  in  benefiting  from  the  transformational  power  of
        digital  technologies.  Measuring  digital  development:  Facts  and  figures
        2019, the first publication in ITU’s new Measuring digital development
        series,  estimates  that  over  half  the  total  global  female  population  (52
        per cent) is still not using the Internet, compared to 42 per cent of all
        men. Overall, the proportion of all women using the Internet globally is
        48 per cent, against 58 per cent of all men. More men than women use
        the Internet in every region of the world except the Americas, which has
        near-parity. ITU data show  that while  the  digital  gender  gap  has been
        shrinking  in  the  Commonwealth  of  Independent  States  and  Europe,  it
        is growing in Africa*, the Arab States and the Asia-Pacific region. It is
        widest  in  developing  countries,  especially  Least  Developed  Countries.
        “ITU’s Measuring digital development reports are a powerful tool to better
        understand  connectivity  issues,  including  the  growing  digital  gender
        divide, at a time when over half of the world’s population is using the
        Internet,”  said  Houlin  Zhao,  ITU  Secretary  General.  “ITU  statistics  help
        policy-makers and regulators make informed policy decisions to connect
        the unconnected and track progress at the global level.”
        Mobile networks – and the mobile phone gender gap
        ITU data show that 97 per cent of the world population now lives within
        reach of a mobile cellular signal and 93 per cent within reach of a 3G
        (or higher) network. In the Americas, the Asia-Pacific region and Europe,
        over 95 per cent of the population is covered by a 3G or higher mobile
        broadband network. In the Arab States the figure stands at 91 per cent;
        the Commonwealth of Independent States, 88 per cent; and Africa, 79 per
        cent. Of the 85 countries that provided data on mobile phone ownership,
        61 have a higher proportion of men with mobile phones than women. Of
        the 24 remaining countries where there is gender parity in mobile phone   ITU  estimates  that  57  per  cent  of  households  globally
        ownership, or where more women have mobile phones than men, Chile   will have Internet access at home. However, the number
        has the highest digital gender gap in favor of women at 12 per cent. ITU   of households with a computer at home is only expected
        data confirm a correlation between the mobile phone ownership gender   to rise by about one percentage point - to 49.7 per cent
        gap  and  the  Internet  gender  gap:  countries  where  the  mobile  phone   -  between  2018  and  2019.  Slowing  growth  in  domestic
        ownership gender gap is large also have a high number of women not   computer ownership is accounted for by the fact that in
        using  the  Internet.  Given  that  mobile  phones  are  the  most-often  used   many countries computers are no longer needed for home
        means of accessing the Internet, addressing the issue of women’s mobile   Internet access, with people simply connecting over smart
        phone ownership could help reduce the Internet gender divide.  phones.
        3.6 billion People still offline                             Barriers to Internet use
        ITU data confirm that Internet use continues to grow globally, with 4.1   Affordability and lack of digital skills remain some of the
        billion people now using the Internet, or 53.6% of the global population.   key barriers to the uptake and effective use of the Internet,
        However, an estimated 3.6 billion people remain offline, with the majority   especially  in  the  world’s  Least  Developed  Countries.  In
        of  the  unconnected  living  in  the  Least  Developed  Countries  where  an   40 out of 84 countries for which data are available, less
        average of just two out of every ten people are online. “Connecting the   than half the population has basic computer skills, such
        3.6 billion people still offline to the power of digital technologies must   as copying a file or sending an e-mail with an attachment.
        become  one  of  our  most  urgent  development  priorities,”  said  Doreen   Although  more  data  are  needed,  initial  findings  indicate
        Bogdan-Martin,  Director  of  ITU’s  Telecommunication  Development   a  strong  and  pressing  need  for  governments  to  focus
        Bureau. “Multi-stakeholder collaboration will be key to making universal   on  measures  to  develop  digital  skills,  particularly  in  the
        and meaningful connectivity a reality for all. It will require targeted efforts   developing  world.  “Even  where  connectivity  exists,  we
        to lower the cost of broadband and innovative policies to finance network   need  to  be  more  creative  in  addressing  critical  issues
        rollout to unconnected populations.” Internet use in developed countries   like  affordability  of  service,  cost  of  handsets,  and  lack
        is nearing saturation levels, with close to 87 per cent of individuals online.   of digital skills and literacy to enable more people – and
        Europe is the region with the highest Internet use (82.5 per cent), while   especially  women  –  to  participate  and  flourish  in  the
        Africa is the region with the lowest (28.2 per cent). By the end of 2019,   digital economy,” says Ms. Bogdan-Martin.

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