Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
P. 81


        SES-17 Begins Delivering Satellite Connectivity Services Across Americas

        SES   announced   that  its  newest  also is a first step in the integration of SES’s   wherever  they  are,”  said  Ruy  Pinto,  Chief
        geostationary Ka-band satellite, SES-17, is   multi-orbit network. The spacecraft’s digital   Technology Officer at SES. “At SES, we are
        now fully operational  over the  Americas,   payload is  supported  by the Adaptive   extremely thankful to our partners at Thales
        the  Caribbean  and  the  Atlantic  Ocean   Resource Control (ARC) software, making it   Alenia  Space  and  Arianespace  that  have
        at  67.1  degrees  West.  The  all-electric   interoperable with SES’s second-generation   shared our vision at each step of SES-17’s
        propulsion  satellite  has  reached  orbit  per   O3b  mPOWER satellite  communications   journey to orbit.” SES-17 was successfully
        schedule  after months  of in-orbit  raising   system  in  medium Earth  orbit (MEO),  set   launched  onboard  an  Ariane  5  launcher
        and  successful  in-orbit  testing.  The  very   to launch  in  the  coming months.  “We  are   operated  by  Arianespace  from  Europe’s
        high  throughput  SES-17  satellite  built  by   excited to have the highly-anticipated SES-  Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana on 23
        Thales  Alenia  Space  is  ready  to provide   17 satellite start delivering services, while   October 2021 at 11:10 pm local time (02:10
        unparalleled  connectivity  services to   redefining  and  transforming  the  digital   am UTC). SES-17 is the 37th SES satellite
        customers across  aeronautical, maritime,   landscape for many different applications   launched by Arianespace and the 30th built
        enterprise,  and  government  markets  across  the  Americas and  ultimately   by Thales Alenia Space, joining the current
        whether on land, at sea, or in the skies. SES-  bringing high-speed connectivity to people   SES satellite network of 70 satellites.
        17 anchor partner, Thales InFlyt Experience,
        will  leverage  SES-17  for FlytLive,  a  next-
        generation  aviation  connectivity  solution
        enhancing  Wi-Fi  experiences onboard
        commercial  aircraft  across  the Americas
        and the Caribbean. Moreover, key enterprise
        customers in  Brazil,  Argentina,  Colombia,
        Mexico, Canada, including SSi Canada and
        COMNET, will  now expand  the  reach  and
        capability  of their  broadband  networks
        to more  remote areas.  With  a fully  digital
        payload powered by the  most powerful
        digital  transponder processor in  orbit, an
        unmatched  flexibility  and  nearly  200  user
        beams, SES-17 marks not only a significant
        development  in  satellite  technology,  but

        Mexico Taps Axess Satellites for Connectivity Ambition

        Mexico  tapped  into satellite  technology   In  a  statement,  network infrastructure   and  Internet  para  Todos (Internet  for
        to deliver ubiquitous coverage for  its   company Axess Networks revealed it was   Everyone),  to  launch  an  additional  825
        citizens,  as  part  of a  major scheme  to   one  of  two  firms  chosen  by  government   satellite  internet  sites  to  complement
        connect those in extremely remote areas.   arm  CFE  Telecommunications  (CFE  TEIT)   the  current  level  of coverage. Axess  was
                                                                                 involved  in  the  first  phase  of  the  national
                                                                                 plan  Internet  for Everyone, in  which the
                                                                                 company  aided  by connecting 7.8%  of
                                                                                 citizens  who live  in  extremely  remote
                                                                                 regions with zero connectivity, by bringing
                                                                                 online  1,650  satellite  sites.  Axess  also
                                                                                 received  recognition  from the  presidency
                                                                                 of the  Mexican government  for its  work
                                                                                 in  connecting  the  remote  Marias  Islands,
                                                                                 which is  being primed as  a tourist
                                                                                 destination.  The  CFE  TEIT assigned  54
                                                                                 cellular backhaul sites to Axess in a move
                                                                                 to make data service more affordable.

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