Page 17 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
P. 17


                                 Leaders’ Summit 2022 – Key Messages & Takeaways

           •  We need to leverage the “new normal”,   “TechCos”.                  to align with global network standards
             the  post-covid world,  and  the new  •  5G  and  cloud have  integral  role  in   set  by  bodies  such as  3GPP  and  the
             changes  that  have  taken  place.  This   enabling the digital economy and data   GSMA.
             will  require  significant  spending  on   sovereignty  and  digital  power have  a  •  In  the  age of “collaborative regula-
             infrastructure,  special  attention  to   strong role in tackling the sustainability   tion”, policy and regulatory approaches
             worker’s morale and conditions. Social   needs  of the  telecom industry and   should aim to more effectively address
             stability  is  really  is  key to managing   how an integrated  intelligent  ICT   the needs of the private sector, in par-
             risks and to anticipate the future.  architecture will light up the future.  ticular of Telecom Operators, to enable
           •  We have to ensure that everyone can  •  Operators  can  gain  access  to  them to achieve reasonable scale.
             access connectivity  and  meaningful   new opportunities  by integrating  •  5G is about far more than MBB, which is
             and safe content  and  services while   technologies,  infrastructure  approximately 33% of its true potential.
             at  the  same  time  ensuring  that  value   investment, connectivity, and spectrum   Much has to be done for us to see new
             is  created  and  captured  locally,   availability,  which  will  benefit  vertical   5G services.
             fulfilling  what  the  younger  generation   industries and economic sectors.  •  5G and AI important  – but we also
             is expecting from digital technologies.  •  Telecom Operators can improve  net-  need  to hear  more  about  supporting
           •  Infrastructure  is  at  the  heart  of   works capabilities and performance by   technologies  on  compression  and
             fulfilment of national ICT visions, such   taking advantage of new technologies   security  to secure  clouds are  safe,
             as  the  KSA’s  Vision  2030.  However,   and  larger  bandwidth  spectrum  such   data  is  secure  and  safe  and  that
             Telcos will not be able to invest alone   as 6GHz frequency band and the intro-  infrastructures are resilient.
             – everyone who is benefitting from the   duction of intelligent  capabilities  into  •  Metaverse  and  the  emerging
             Digital Services should be contributing.  industrial mobile networks.  ecosystem  enterprises  require  much
           •  During  the  pandemic, 800  million  •  As networks evolve due to the increased   understanding on many fronts.
             people  came online  because they   demand for reliable connectivity, ultra- •  Women empowerment is  increasing,
             saw  the  value  of the  Internet.  There   low  latency,  and  the  need  for speed,   as knowledge is key in driving success.
             continues to exist usage gap, and no   coverage, and  capacity, security  will  •  Regulation needs to be agile to enable
             longer a coverage gap.             remain a top priority, and it is important   and accompany the changes that have
           •  Great  responsibility  has  been  placed
             on the shoulders of the telco industry
             and infrastructure is needed to support
             economic recovery and progress.
           •  Operators’ OPEX increases  due to
             system  and  network complexity.
             Therefore,  reducing  OPEX  and
             achieving  green  development  is
             essential for operators’ future growth in
             light of the carbon-neutral background
             and the demand for cost reduction and
             increased efficiency.
           •  Networks themselves  must evolve  to
             meet the region’s sustainability goals.
           •  Operators are  shifting  into adjacent
             markets  and  making  the  transition
             from  “Telcos)  toward  becoming

                                                                                                   17    MAY-JUNE 2022
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