Page 123 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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        Commerce Department’s NTIA Releases Details for Funds Distributed Under


        The U.S. Commerce Department on Friday
        morning released the rules governing three
        separate  federal  broadband programs,
        laying  down the  rules  for more  than  $45
        billion in spending. The agency’s National
        Telecommunications  and  Information
        Administration  released  the  Notice of
        Funds Opportunity for its Broadband Equity,
        Access and Deployment program under the
        Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, as
        expected. “In the 21st century, you simply
        cannot participate  in  the  economy  if you
        don’t  have  access  to reliable,  affordable
        high-speed internet,” Commerce Secretary
        Gina Raimondo said. She was expected to
        make additional remarks in Durham, North
        Carolina.  “Thanks  to  President  Biden’s   Friday, in advance of when IIJA required the   Federal  Communications  Commission’s
        Bipartisan  Infrastructure  Law,  Americans   notices.                   Affordable  Connectivity  Program. But
        across  the  country will  no longer  be  held   •  Broadband  Equity,  Access,  and  BEAD itself also include money for planning
        back  by  a  lack  of high-speed  internet   Deployment  (BEAD)  Program ($42.5   grants: Under IIJA, each state is guaranteed
        access.  We  are  going  to ensure  every   billion)                     to receive $100 million in BEAD funds for
        American will have access to technologies   •  Enabling  Middle  Mile  Broadband  broadband infrastructure. Up to $5 million
        that  allow them  to attend  class,  start  a   Infrastructure Program ($1 billion)  of those  awards  may  be  drawn down
        small  business, visit  with  their  doctor,   •  State Digital Equity Act programs ($1.5   within three months. Each state is able to
        and  participate  in  the  modern  economy,”   billion)                  receive  at  least  $100  million  in  funding.
        according  to Raimondo’s  remarks  from a   The  IIJA  allocated  $65  billion  in  funding   Particular states may receive significantly
        press release. The IIJA, signed into law on   for broadband spending,  with  at  least   more  depending  upon the  proportion  of
        November 15, 2021, required Commerce to   $45  billion  allocated  to  the  NTIA through   “unserved” broadband homes in their state
        release the BEAD NOFO by Monday, May 16.   these  three  programs.  The  $42.5  billion   relative to the nation as a whole. Whether
        It had been expected to release those rules   for BEAD is designed to address last-mile   a particular home is “unserved” or not will
        Friday. Funding under the BEAD program is   broadband  connectivity.  The  $1  billion   be  determined  by  broadband  maps  to  be
        primarily directed through state broadband   for middle  mile  spending  addresses  the   created by the FCC.
        offices, acting under the supervision of the   “secondary  highways”  —  in  between  data   The funding is being dispensed by states to
        NTIA through the  legislative framework   centers and individual homes — that allow   sub-grantees, including private, cooperative
        established by IIJA, and the regularly rules   our internet  to  work.  The  additional  $1.5   and  municipal  broadband  providers,  and
        laid out in the BEAD NOFO. But the agency   billion is for states to engage in programs   the BEAD funding is designed primarily to
        also  released  the  rules  for the  Enabling   designed  to address  digital  equity. Most   address  inadequate  last-mile  broadband
        Middle  Mile  Broadband  Infrastructure   of the additional $20 billion of broadband   connectivity throughout the country.
        and  State  Digital  Equity  Act programs  on   funds under IIJA are dispensed through the

        New President Orders ICE to Relinquish 5G Spectrum Within Six Months

        In  one  of  his  first  acts  since  assuming   Ciencia, Tecnologia y Telecomunicaciones,   (Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones,
        power earlier this month, President Rodrigo   MICITT)  within  six  months.  On  25  June   Sutel)  informed  the  MICITT that  it  was
        Chaves  Robles  has  ordered  Marco Acuna   2021  the  MICITT  notified  Grupo  ICE  of   unwilling  to  reimburse  ICE  for its  unused
        Mora, the  executive president  of Grupo   its  intention  to  retrieve  the  operator’s   frequencies, prompting  the  state-backed
        ICE, to return  all  of the  state-owned   5G-suitable  frequencies,  as  it  seeks  to   company to dig its heels in. ICE has been
        company’s 5G-suitable spectrum holdings   further  the  country’s  wider 5G  ambitions.   accused of ‘under-use  and  non-use’  of
        to the  Ministry of Science,  Technology   Subsequently, in  November 2021  the   5G-suitable  spectrum in  the  1400MHz,
        and  Telecommunications  (Ministerio  de   Superintendency  of Telecommunications   2600MHz, 3500MHz and 26GHz bands.

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