Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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        es in Voice (+4%), Maritime (+6%), and Data   ecutives were in Jakarta to attend the AP-  munication  capabilities.  The  technology
        Services (+16%). Even more exciting oppor-  SAT  (Asia  Pacific  Satellite)  International   not only empowers further economic and
        tunities lie ahead as Yahsat's sixth satellite,   Conference, further underscoring Yahsat’s   business development in these areas, but
        Thuraya 4-NGS, set for launch in H1 2024,   commitment  to  the  Asia-Pacific  region.   is also instrumental in saving lives as in the
        becomes  operational  in  2025.  Thuraya's   Yahsat  has  been  steadily  strengthening   case of the seven Filipino fishermen, who
        new product line is strategically designed   its  ties  across  the region  by  developing   were rescued at sea in 2022 after making
        to leverage Thuraya 4-NGS's advanced ca-  affordable solution-driven advanced satel-  an emergency call for help on their Thuraya
        pabilities. Prior to the partner conference   lite technology that provides underserved   XT-LITE satellite phone.
        and  CommunicAsia,  Thuraya's  senior  ex-  communities across Asia with critical com-

        Netlinkz Set to Deliver Starlink Internet to Philippines’s Islands After a Deal with

        Major Telco

        Global network  solutions vendor  Netlinkz
        (ASX:NET)  has  made  further  inroads  into
        the Southeast Asian market after signing
        a  strategic  partnership  with  PT&T  Corp,
        a  major  telco company based  in  the
        Philippines. PT&T will be using Netlinkz’s
        products  to boost its  connectivity  and
        accelerate  the digital  transformation  for
        the company’s various customer sectors.
        They  bring  significant  benefits  to  the
        Philippine archipelago, where connectivity
        is  often  unreliable due to  distance and
        terrain.  (Ten  of  its  7100  islands  have
        populations  of  more  than  one  million).
        Netlinkz believes the combined strengths
        of Netlinkz, Starlink, and PT&T will bridge
        the connectivity gap by empowering
        the archipelago with the much-needed,   signing a deal with ALT Telecom, a listed   reliable  and high-speed  connectivity,
        robust networking solutions. By leveraging   Thai telco company. Netlinkz is also in the   marine industry enterprises in the country
        Starlink’s  satellite  internet,  many  will  be   process of partnering with the Hong-Kong   will be able to optimize operations, improve
        able to overcome geographical barriers and   based  HGC  Global  Communications  to   crew welfare, and enhance  decision-
        access  reliable,  high-speed  connectivity.   build an integrated global communication   making  capabilities.  Netlinkz  CEO  James
        James Velasquez,  the  president and CEO   platform, Network  as  a  Service (NaaS)   Tsiolis, said the PT&T Corp deal was further
        of PT&T Corp, says many more will be able   for  enterprises,  based  on  the  company’s   evidence that Netlinkz had the product and
        to  compete  fully  in  the  digital  economy.   network-as-a-service  platform.  Phase  1   service offerings capable  of delivering
        “We  are  thrilled  to  introduce  Starlink  to   of that will be the rollout of the NaaS for   connectivity  and digital transformation
        the Philippines,  providing a  dependable   enterprises  based  in  Thailand,  followed   enhancements that could benefit multiple
        internet solution for customers who require   by a rollout across other Southeast Asian   users of telecommunication services. “The
        reliable  connectivity,”  Velasquez  said.  In   regions.  HGC  has  1.4  million  kilometers   continued  growth now occurring  in our
        November  2022, Netlinkz secured  a deal   of  optic  fiber  and  currently  24  Points  of   stable of tier-1 clients is opening the door
        to become a global non-exclusive reseller   Presence  across  the  world.  The  goal  of   to a steady rise in Netlinkz’s revenue base,”
        of the Starlink satellite-based broadband   this partnership is to develop a network-as-  Tsiolis  said.  Importantly,  Tsiolis  said  the
        internet service developed by Elon Musk’s   a-service for HGC’s global customer base   PT&T partnership was not just about having
        Space-X company. This agreement meant   using its  existing  infrastructure  including   the  right  product  mix.  “The  realization  of
        that  Netlinkz  could  market  Starlink’s   access to all its nodes and data centers.   this  agreement  can also  be attributed  to
        satellite based  high-speed,  low-latency   PT&T Corp meanwhile owns 18,000km of   the skillset of our sales  and marketing
        broadband  internet,  and the company   optic fiber and although the financial impact   team,” he said. “Thanks to their efforts we
        has  identified  Southeast  Asia  as  one  of   from today’s deal is still to be determined,   continue  to convert  opportunities in our
        its  target  markets.  The  PT&T  agreement   Netlinkz says  certain  industries  in  the   sales  pipeline.  “This  at  a  time  when  our
        came just  months after Netlinkz offered   Philippines such as the marine sector will   addressable markets both in Australia and
        its  services  to  the  Thailand  market  by   benefit  the  most.  By  leveraging  Netlinkz’   overseas are experiencing ongoing growth.”

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