Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 77


        Jordan Ranks 70  in Digital Economy

        Minister of Digital Economy, Ahmad Han-  companies as Jordan takes high ranking in   the entrepreneurial environment in Jordan,
        andeh,  stated  that  Jordan  is  ranked  70th   foreign investment. He expressed that the   support companies to expand locally and
        worldwide and 5th in the Arab economy and   ministry seeks to support youth and entre-  globally,  obtain  financing,  and  create  a
        digital transformation. Hanandeh affirmed   preneurs to implement projects in the real   stimulating and supportive environment for
        in a  meeting  for startup businesses  held   world locally and worldwide. He added that   them.
        Tuesday afternoon, that the entrepreneurial   the ministry worked on developing an entre-
        sector contributes to 25% to startup Arab   preneurship policy to support and develop

        MTCIT Holds First Forum on Government Digital Transformation

        Deliberations  of  the  first  edition  of  the   government sector in Oman in the field of   sustainability, continuous  improvement
        Government   Digital   Transformation   digital transformation, review distinguished   and  keeping  pace  with  global  changes.
        Forum began at  Oman  Convention and   regional  and global  practices,  ways of   The  event  will  have  four  main  themes
        Exhibition  Centre with the participation   improving institutional cooperation  and   –  digital  transformation,  advanced
        of  ten  government  units.  As  many  as   building  government relations,  as  well   technologies  and  maximizing  benefits  of
        200  participants  and 25  speakers are   as exchanging experiences  in digital   modern technologies to accelerate digital
        taking part in the forum organised by the   transformation.  The  forum  will  address   transformation,  user’s  digital  experience,
        Ministry  of  Transport,  Communications   the most important challenges  and   and data analysis. A dialogue session was
        and  Information  Technology  (MTCIT).  At   obstacles facing  the implementation  of   held on Tuesday with the participation of a
        the two-day  event, new digital services,   government  digital transformation  and   number of stakeholders from government
        solutions and products in the government   propose new solutions to overcome these,   units.  The  session  addressed  prospects
        sector  will  be  launched.  The  forum  will   in addition to exploring  new tools that   of government digital transformation. The
        highlight efforts and achievements of the   empower national competencies to ensure   session also discussed the importance of
                                                                                 managing the culture of digital change to
                                                                                 create a flexible and innovative government
                                                                                 apparatus equipped for the future, the need
                                                                                 to hone  national  skills,  empower digital
                                                                                 capabilities  and promote  government
                                                                                 digital  innovation.  The  forum  is  expected
                                                                                 to come up with a set of recommendations
                                                                                 to support government digital integration. It
                                                                                 will also present new proposals to accelerate
                                                                                 digitalization of government  services,
                                                                                 transfer and exchange  of knowledge
                                                                                 on  best  practices  in  the  field  of  digital
                                                                                 transformation, and provide feedback  on
                                                                                 the challenges facing the implementation
                                                                                 of digital transformation,  while creating
                                                                                 an updated database for specialists in the
                                                                                 field of digital transformation.

        Mobile Phone Subscribers in Jordan Reach 7.6 Million

        The number of mobile phone subscriptions   mobile phone subscribers in the first quar-  subscription numbers represent the market
        in  Jordan  experienced  growth  in  the  first   ter of this year reached an impressive 7.6   share of the three major operators within
        quarter of 2023, registering an increase of   million  subscribers.  This  figure  indicates   Jordan. Earlier, the authority confirmed that
        5.46 percent compared to the same period   a staggering growth of 398,186 thousand   these figures accurately reflect the reality
        in the previous year. According to data re-  subscribers compared to the same period   and size of the local market, dismissing any
        leased by the Telecommunications Regula-  in 2022 when the subscriber count stood at   concerns of inflation or misrepresentation,
        tory Commission (TRC), the total number of   7.2 million. The TRC emphasized that these   according to Al-Mamlaka TV.

                                                                                                    77   MAY-JUNE 2023
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