Page 7 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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        industry and private sector  members  to   “Regulation  is what keeps  things  in flow,  and  when
        discuss and share perspectives on how
        they can contribute to achieving effective   done  right,  ensures  predictability, stability, and  aids
        digital transformation. These discussions   informed decision-making and innovation. With well-
        were  reflected  in  an  Outcome Statement
        presented at the GSR-23 closing ceremony   crafted regulations, we can ensure that digital technol-
        by Bocar BA, IAGDI-CRO Chairman and CEO   ogy is used to bring benefit to the public, not exploit it,
        of SAMENA Telecommunications Council.
        The meeting reaffirmed the private sector's   and to help support the creation of a secure, sustain-
        commitment  to supporting governments,   able, and a bright digital future for both businesses and
        particularly regulators, during  today's
        volatile and ever-changing environment, to   the society, at large. Moreover, good regulation would
        achieve common goals both in the near and   help  set incentives,  sustain  investments,  and would
        long term.
                                                guarantee level-playing field for businesses and varied
        CEO of SAMENA Council, prior to the GSR-  choices for the end-user. The values we want to pro-
        23  had acknowledged  that  “Regulation
        is  what  keeps things in  flow,  and  when   mote, such as safety, privacy, and security, all require
        done right, ensures predictability, stability,   regulations. Thus, the role of regulatory authorities is
        and aids  informed decision-making and
        innovation.  With  well-crafted  regulations,   tremendous, and it requires to be tremendously driven
        we can ensure that  digital technology  is   by an industry-enablement mindset that supports dig-
        used  to  bring  benefit  to  the  public,  not
        exploit it, and to help support the creation   ital infrastructure development for all people.”
        of a secure, sustainable, and a bright digital   Bocar A. BA, CEO & Board Member
        future for both businesses and the society,
        at large. Moreover, good regulation would   SAMENA Telecommunications Council
        help set  incentives, sustain  investments,
        and would guarantee level-playing field for   regulatory  and  economic  incentives  sector digital  policy and regulatory
        businesses and varied choices for the end-  to  stimulate  the deployment of digital   principles to support a sustainable digital
        user. The values we want to promote, such   infrastructure  for  all  people  everywhere.   future for all people everywhere.
        as safety, privacy, and security, all require   Since  2003,  the  GSR  Best  Practice
        regulations.  Thus,  the  role  of  regulatory   Guidelines  have captured established   Based on contributions from national and
        authorities is tremendous, and it requires   regulatory  principles for  a  competitive,   regional policy-makers and regulators,
        to be tremendously driven by an industry-  safe, and inclusive enabling environment.   regional  and international  organizations,
        enablement mindset that supports digital                                 civil  society and the private  sector,
        infrastructure development for all people.”  The 2023 Guidelines address and identify   the  guidelines  identify  collaborative
        The Best Practice Guidelines adopted at the    incentives that  can be used to expand   approaches to encourage the development
        GSR-23  International  Telecommunication   connectivity, and support access, adoption,   of investor-friendly markets that promote
        Union's Global Symposium for Regulators   and use. They also identify novel, innovative,   competition while stimulating innovation.
        (GSR-23) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, define   ground-breaking,  evidence-based cross-

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