Page 115 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 115


        5G Confirmed Safe by Radiation Watchdog

        5G  is  safe, according to  the international
        body in charge of setting limits  on
        exposure to radiation, which has updated
        its  advisory  guidelines  for  the  first  time
        in  more than 20  years.  The International
        Commission  on  Non‐Ionizing  Radiation
        Protection  (ICNIRP), the Germany-based
        scientific  body  that  assesses  the  health
        risks  of radio broadcasts,  called for
        new guidelines  for millimeter-wave 5G,
        the most  high-frequency  version of the
        telecommunications  standard.  But  in
        practice, that form of 5G, which is in use in
        the US and will be coming to Europe, still
        has  output  levels  significantly  below  the
        new maximum.  Dr.  Eric van Rongen,  the   other  broadcast connections  above the   be breached in the conventional operation
        ICNIRP chair, said: “We know parts of the   6GHz band, “were not anticipated in 1998”,   of a mobile  phone  network. Exposures
        community are concerned about the safety   according  to Dr Jack Rowley, the senior   from base stations hit  about 1% of the
        of 5G and we hope the updated guidelines   director for research and sustainability   maximum, Rowley said, while the testing
        will help put people at ease. “The guidelines   at  GSMA, the industry  body for mobile   regime for mobile phone handsets ensured
        have been  developed  after a  thorough   network operators. Higher frequencies   that, when  running  at the  maximum
        review  of  all  relevant  scientific  literature,   interact with organic tissue differently,   possible power, they hit about 50% of the
        scientific  workshops  and  an  extensive   dissipating more energy at the surface and   upper  limit.  “In  our day-to-day  usage,
        public consultation process. They provide   penetrating  less, which means  the new   however, it’s very similar  to the base
        protection   against   all   scientifically   standards take measurements  across a   stations  –  about 1%  of  the maximum.”
        substantiated  adverse  health  effects due   smaller cross section, and specifically pay   Despite  the  overwhelming  evidence  that
        to  [electromagnetic  field]  exposure  in  the   attention to the power absorbed by, rather   5G, like earlier mobile standards, is safe for
        100  kHz  to  300  GHz  range.” The radio   than simply exposed to, a body. “The most   the public, a large community of skeptics
        frequencies 5G uses in the UK are similar   important thing  is that the  fundamental   fear it  will  cause – or already is  causing
        to those that have been  used  for mobile   health  risk assessment  is unchanged,”   – health problems, including, supposedly,
        telephones  since  1998, when  ICNIRP   Rowley  said.  “The limits  that  we  had  in   causing coronavirus. There is no evidence
        published its first set of guidelines for EMF   1998 are still protective now.” In practice,   to support a link between the two.
        exposure. But millimeter-wave 5G, and   both the old and new limits are unlikely to

        Caricel Executives Charged with Breaching Telecommunications Act

        A number  of executives at  ill-fated   They have been  charged  with one  count   the Supreme Court  cleared the way  for
        Jamaican   4G    start-up  Symbiote  of  conspiracy to  use spectrum  without a   the government  to revoke its  telecoms
        Investment  (Caricel)  have reportedly   license and five counts of use of spectrum   licenses. The start-up paid JMD2.65 billion
        been  charged  with breaches of the   without a license. The accused are said to   (USD19.4  million) for a  mobile license
        Telecommunications  Act  by  the  Office   have acted in contravention of Section 63A   in  May  2016,  but  attempted  to  sell  its
        of the Director  of Public Prosecutions.   (1) (b) of the Telecommunications Act. As   business to South Africa-based Involution
        According  to the Jamaica Gleaner, the   previously reported by TeleGeography’s   Limited in October  2017 – setting  the
        personnel  in question  are Symbiote  CEO   CommsUpdate,  Caricel placed all  of   company on a  collision course  with  the
        Lowell Lawrence,  his wife,  Company   its  licensed  facilities  and operations   Jamaican authorities.
        Secretary,  Minette Lawrence,  Director   under  the  immediate  control of Xtrinet
        Natalie Neil and Livingston Hinds of Xtrinet.   on 10  December  2018  – just  days  after

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