Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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Philippines to Host Spacex's First Starlink in Southeast Asia
The Philippines announced its plan to provide Internet services in the Philippines and more affordable rates for consumers,
host US private space company SpaceX's using its Low Earth Orbit satellite network particularly in areas where connectivity
Starlink project, making it the first constellation called Starlink. Lopez has been difficult or impossible. He said
Southeast Asian country to avail of the said the launch of SpaceX's Starlink in preparations are underway for SpaceX's
technology for better telecommunications the country will enable a much faster registration and the project is expected
services. Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez broadband speed, better connectivity, more to be finalized before Philippine President
said SpaceX's proposed project will capacity for telecommunications service, Rodrigo Duterte steps down on June 30
after completing a six-year presidential
term. Discussions on establishing the
SpaceX project in the country started last
November. Lopez said the recent signing
of the amended Public Service Act, which
allows up to 100 percent foreign ownership
of public services in the country, was a
critical factor in its decision to invest.
SpaceX is currently establishing a local
Filipino entity that will be its wholly-owned
subsidiary and is targeting to deploy three
gateways in the first phase.
Inmarsat Selects Sandvine's Network Intelligence in Its OpenStack Private
Telco Cloud
Inmarsat, the world leader in global, seven-year relationship for network policy relationship with Inmarsat started with
mobile satellite communications, has control between the two companies, network policy control in 2015, and has
chosen Sandvine's Application and the new contract spans Flexible Policy since evolved towards new 5G network
Network Intelligence in its OpenStack and Traffic Management, use cases for architecture for emerging 5G and satellite
Private Telco Cloud. The three-year deal Satellite Networks, as well as Sandvine's services. By migrating to our ActiveLogic
will support Inmarsat's work in building ScoreCard, Insights exports, cloud- Hyperscale Data Plane, Inmarsat can
out its ORCHESTRA network – a first of optimized Active Logic Hyperscale Data roll out new services that meet rapidly
its kind service for global mobility and Plane, and Maestro Policy Engine. Bringing changing customer and market demands,
government customers. ORCHESTRA is a Sandvine's machine learning-based and deploy use cases such as Network
dynamic mesh network combining ELERA application classification and single-pane Optimization, Heavy User Management,
(L-band) and Global Xpress (Ka-band) visualization into the cloud will enable Video Streaming Management, Wholesale
satellite networks, with terrestrial 5G as Inmarsat to enhance traffic management and Peering Link Management, and Usage-
well as targeted low earth orbit (LEO) capabilities and customer experience with Based Services.
satellite capacity. Building on an existing greater scalability and lower costs. Our
French Court Annuls Starlink License
France’s highest administrative court services in France. However, the Conseil to Starlink “could impact the market of
revoked a decision by Arcep to grant d’Etat quashed the regulator’s decision access to high-bandwidth internet and
frequencies to SpaceX’s low Earth orbit after it was challenged in court by two affect the interests of end users”, the court
(LEO) satellite broadband service Starlink, environmental groups. In its ruling stated. Reuters reported Starlink is yet
stating the French telecoms regulator had published, the court noted Arcep failed to to comment on the ruling. Starlink had
not carried out the correct proceedings. carry out a public hearing before granting been authorized to use the frequencies
Arcep in February 2021 authorized the frequency licenses. Such a hearing 10.95GHz to 12.70GHz for space-to-Earth
Starlink to use two frequency bands would have been a legal requirement and 14GHz to 14.5GHz for Earth-to-space
to provide satellite-based broadband because the decision to grant the licenses transmissions.