Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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        service assurance  techniques,  and ultra-  4. Security Layer            at  a  much  larger  scale  and  significantly
        fast big data processing.            With the inferences drawn from the current   impact the network  architecture.  With
                                             5G models and the opportunities unlocked   the  lessons  from  the  current  5G  model
        3. Application Layer                 by  6G,  we  can  create  a  hyper-connected   and the opportunities unlocked by 6G, we
        It is difficult for us to capture the horizon   network of heterogeneous  nodes. These   can create a  hyper-connected network
        of 6G offerings, but with the help of current   will have a major requirement for hyper   of heterogeneous nodes  with billions
        5G models, we can understand and reflect   security  since  the data  can be  acquired   of devices and sub-networks. This is
        that  AI/ML  will  play  a  significant  role  in   anytime, anywhere seamlessly, even from   expected  to  include  new  dimensions  of
        future generations. Smartphones will play   a small object that an individual interacts   AI/ML  technologies,  robotics,  sensory
        an essential role in the 6G era with new AI-  with.  In addition, the  threat of malicious   connectivity, and digital twins.
        enabled interfaces that would bring more   attacks  will  increase  with  6G  due  to  the
        convenience to consuming and controlling   proliferation of billions of devices and   The  next  decade  will  witness  significant
        information. There will be a rise in gesture   millions of subnetworks.    developments   in   6G   technologies,
        and  voice  controls  adoption.  VR/MR                                   architecture, and algorithms. Networks
        (Virtual Reality/ Mixed Reality) will become   The dynamic  nature  of  threats  makes   will  benefit  from  remote  monitoring  and
        more immersive, opening new avenues for   it imperative to deploy sturdy security   intelligent  analytics, allowing operators
        growth with human and digital transfusion.   mechanisms.  In  this  regard,  6G  is   to optimize operations  and  provide
        The boundaries of communication will not   expected  to  include  new  dimensions  in   performance  predictions  that  help
        be  limited to land and will  penetrate  the   network  privacy, secure communications,   businesses  at  every  step of the way.
        sea, sky, and space.                 and resilience. Robust  authentication,   Wireless  communications  in  the  6G  era
                                             encryption algorithms, and methods   will  serve as  an essential foundation for
        In addition, the metaverse would not just   for monitoring  network security  can be   almost all industries in that economy.
        evolve into a final model but is likely to unify   deployed to avoid unauthorized access to
        with the physical  world. This is because   sub-network functions. Distributed AI/ML   The dependency of industries will grow to
        the most notable aspect of 6G would be its   can be used as security for distinct phases   include their manufacturing floor, logistics
        ability  to sense  the environment,  people,   of cybersecurity protection and defense in   supply chain, autonomous transportation,
        and objects. The network’s sensing ability   6G.                         and precision agriculture. More dimensions
        combined  with AI and machine learning                                   will  unfold as  we progress towards the
        will make it more cognitive. Furthermore, it   Looking ahead: What 6G and the Future of   commercialization  of  6G  beyond  2030.
        will support real-time interaction between   Networks mean for us        As such, the time is ripe to work towards
        collaborative robots, allowing  massive   6G  technology  promises  to  revolutionize   building the infrastructure and harnessing
        knowledge  sharing along with new    many industries and is believed to be the   the  current  capabilities  of  5G  networks
        and larger human-machine  interfaces,   foundation  for realizing the full  potential   while keeping 6G on the horizon.
        precise  localization, and deterministic   of  the IoT.  With  that  accomplished, we
        communication.                       can expect these technologies to operate   So, let’s get ready for 6G.

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