Page 7 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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Industry and Regulators Collaborate to Foster Meaningful Connectivity
Digital transformation can only become "As Chair of IADGI-CRO, I encourage ITU’s industry and pri-
a reality through concerted action that
mobilizes broad support, including from the vate-sector members to engage closely with policymakers
private sector. This was the key takeaway and regulators, strengthening their respective commit-
from a consultative meeting of industry
leaders in the tech sector last month at the ments to ensure affordable and reliable connectivity for all.
International Telecommunication Union ITU welcomes all of its members to join IAGDI-CRO discus-
(ITU). The 24 February meeting of the sions and encourages all stakeholders to join the Partner-
Industry Advisory Group on Development
Issues (IAGDI) and Private Sector Chief 2Connect Coalition to connect the unconnected."
Regulatory Officers (CRO) sought concrete Bocar BA
input from companies and organizations
interested in ITU’s initiatives to expand Chief Executive Officer, SAMENA Telecommunications Council.
global connectivity and support the
hardest-to-connect communities. Partners to connect Conference (WTDC) in June 2022. Offer
Governments around the world continue The IAGDI-CRO meeting focused on guidance on key success factors for
exploring policy and regulatory incentives making digital transformation projects partnerships, especially in the context
to boost digital inclusion. Two years viable and bankable, with an emphasis on of information and communication
of global lockdowns and pandemic applying transformative financing models technologies (ICTs) for development.
restrictions have underlined the need for for connectivity. ITU members from the Provide guidance on partnership
meaningful and affordable connectivity private sector shared their views on how frameworks, including governance
as a pre-condition for full socio-economic to connect people everywhere, empower structures, commitments, and
engagement. Still, political will alone is not communities, build digital ecosystems, and responsibilities. Evaluate the efficacy of
enough. incentivize investments. A panel of thought “plug & play” concepts such as model
leaders discussed the opportunities partnership agreements. Propose effective
“We must continue engaging all opened up by the Partner2Connect approaches to monitor and track pledges.
stakeholders to bring the most pressing Coalition, an alliance of public and private
issues hindering connectivity to the fore, stakeholders that ITU formed last year in An engaged private sector
and to propose innovative solutions,” said cooperation with the Office of the United Private companies have demonstrated
Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of the ITU Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on keen interest in fostering worldwide
Telecommunication Development Bureau. Technology. The coalition aims to foster connectivity. Through the Partner2Connect
digital transformation in the hardest- initiative, industry partners have confirmed
“We must continue to-connect communities in the least their intention to contribute to a central
engaging all stakeholders developed countries (LDCs), landlocked part of ITU’s work – ensuring everyone
developing countries (LLDCs), and small
benefits from accessible, affordable,
to bring the most island developing states (SIDS) in line with and meaningful connectivity. As Chair
pressing issues hindering the UN Secretary General’s Roadmap for of IADGI-CRO, I encourage ITU’s
Digital Cooperation.
industry and private-sector members to
connectivity to the fore, engage closely with policymakers and
and to propose innovative The Outcome Statement adopted at the regulators, strengthening their respective
meeting invites ITU members to:
solutions” Make commitments via a new and reliable connectivity for all. ITU
Doreen Bogdan-Martin Partner2Connect (P2C) online pledging welcomes all of its members to join IAGDI-
Director of the ITU platform. CRO discussions and encourages all
stakeholders to join the Partner2Connect
Telecommunication Development Participate in the P2C session at the Coalition to connect the unconnected.
Bureau World Telecommunication Development