Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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        stc Wins “Best M2M Technology Solutions Provider – Kuwait 2021”
        and “Best Corporate Governance Telecom Company – Kuwait 2021”

        International Finance Awards

                                                               best practices while protecting the interests of all stakeholders
                                                               including investors, employees, suppliers, customers, government
                                                               entities  and  the  local  community."  Alharbi  added,  “As  for  our
                                                               valued customers, whether  individuals or corporates,  our focus
                                                               as a pioneering telecom and digital solutions provider is to offer
                                                               a diverse range of innovative products and services with a focus
                                                               on the digital as  well  as  advanced  integrated  communications
                                                               information solutions and advanced technical solutions services.
                                                               Through our specialized business arm, solutions by stc, we have
                                                               introduced a variety of flexible, automated, and reliable solutions
                                                               that can aid in accelerating the digital transformation strategies
                                                               of businesses through new-to-market applications. In this regard,
                                                               the digital transformation  strategy that was  developed  and
                                                               implemented by stc over the past few years has also been a key
                                                               success factor that helped the company in its many contributions
                                                               to the local economy, government initiatives and the growing
                                                               demand  for digital  solutions  and information  technology” In
                                                               appreciation of receiving the awards, Alharbi said, “We are proud
                                                               to  receive  these  awards  from  IF  which  recognize  stc’s  leading
                                                               position in the market and identifies the various areas of growth
                                                               the  Company  has  focused  on  in  the  recent  term  driven  by  its
                                                               corporate strategy. On behalf of stc, I would like to thank all those
        Kuwait Telecommunications Company – stc, a world-class digital   who played a role in implementing the Company’s strategy that
        leader providing innovative services and platforms to customers,   resulted in achieving these awards despite the difficult times we
        enabling the digital transformation in Kuwait, has been awarded   faced due to the COVID-19 crisis. I would like to also shed light
        the “Best M2M Technology Solutions Provider – Kuwait 2021” and   on  the  outstanding  teamwork and dedication  of the  stc family
        “Best Corporate Governance Telecom Company – Kuwait 2021”   who played the bigger  role in having stc  awarded from IFM.  I
        from International Finance (“IF”), a renowned financial publication   would also like to thank the IF team for their diligent assessment
        that recognizes industry talents, leaderships skills, industry net   process and cooperation.” In its statement, stc highlighted that
        worth and capability on an international  platform. The  award   the corporate  governance  award recognizes the standards and
        was  presented  to stc during  the International  Finance  Awards   commitment  it continuously  upholds  to provide stakeholders
        ceremony held in Dubai, UAE on March 24th, 2022. After careful   with the highest degrees of transparency, accountability, and
        consideration and an extensive review performed by IF’s qualified   competence. Through an established mechanism of procedures
        research team, stc emerged  as  the winner of the two awards   and policies, stc has shaped its culture to promote integrity and
        declared on the strength of the applications submitted by stc and   a  robust framework applicable  across all  levels, reinforcing  its
        its business arm solutions by stc teams, as well as each team’s past   foundation for sustainable success. This in return has aided the
        accomplishments. During the ceremony in Dubai, Danah AlJasem   Company in fostering a wholly supportive corporate culture that
        – General Manager of Corporate Communications at stc received   addresses the needs, aspirations, and hopes of stakeholders as
        on behalf of the Company the “Best M2M Technology Solutions   expressed in stc’s various policy statements, while exceeding the
        Provider  –  Kuwait  2021”,  and  the  “Best  Corporate  Governance   requirements set by regulators. In terms of the M2M technology
        Telecom  Company  –  Kuwait  2021”  awards  on  behalf  of  stc.   award, solutions by stc mentioned that it currently provides one
        Commenting on the awards, stc CEO, engineer Maziad Alharbi said   of the most advanced 5G and 4G M2M connectivity solutions in
        “2021 was an exceptional year across all the standards due to the   the market through stc. This has allowed machines to exchange
        company’s refreshed strategy and the dedication of its employees   data  without  human  interface,  in  return  redefining  traditional
        to deliver their best in order to achieve company’s desired goals   and outdated  business  processes. These  solutions  ease the
        and  meet  the  individuals  and  enterprise  customers’  needs,  as   communication  channels  between  machines  using  sensors,
        well as creating an added value and achieve better returns for its   opening  the  possibility for systems to monitor  themselves and
        shareholders. He added “Our success would also not have been   automatically responding  to changes  within the  environment.
        achieved without the ongoing support of our various stakeholders.   Through  various  regional and international partnerships,
        Therefore, we  placed  great  consideration  in  developing  and   solutions by stc also provided a variety of traditional applications
        evolving a corporate governance framework that enables stc to   ranging from POS, ATM, up to innovative CCTV, connected cars,
        demonstrate its level of innovation, efficiency, and ability to adopt   fleet  management and surveillance  solutions  among  others.

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