Page 29 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 29
stc Develops 16 Data Centers; Bahrain’s is the Largest
largest integrated operation center in the
region. Connected to more than 4 marine
cables, the center operates the largest
international portals, with a capacity of
more than 8.4 tbps. It contains the latest
protection and distribution systems in
the world used for the first time in the
region to protect company service system
in general and the service and solution
system for transfer of data and audio
services for all customers. The center
also includes the largest cybersecurity
operations center in the region. Through
data centers, stc offers its cloud services
that enable customers from government
With the Middle East region seeing a in the ICT sector and the great potential and private sectors, including SMEs, to
paradigm shift in development and of stc as the biggest telecommunications store data outside the personal device in a
improvement of digital infrastructure, stc company in the Middle East and promoting safe and reliable environment. It also uses
has played a pivotal role in accelerating economy and GDP growth in the Kingdom. capacities that are tailored for customer’s
the stages of this digital transformation Connecting three continents, the hub is needs without having to build a data center
and adopting emerging technologies that utilizing the Kingdom's strategic location and cloud computing systems. It also
have promoted growth and maturity of to scale up investments in international enables upsizing or downsizing the range
digital-enabling cloud services across communication services and data of capacity according to the technical
the region. stc's overall strategy has centers. Investing in a fiber optic grid, needs of each company. It provides
underlined the need to boost its position the project entails installation of highly integrated protection for preservation of
as a leading digital cloud enabler in the efficient cables to meet the future cloud stored data and applications. Data centers
region by launching a global data center needs and ensure uninterrupted service. also contribute to digital services, games
project. Through this project, the group Building the largest data center project in and e-sports, online streaming services,
aims to improve and provide a world-class the Middle East, stc aims to enable digital content service operators and other digital
management of its cloud infrastructure transformation in the government and platforms. Looking ahead into the future,
and technical, security and communication private sectors through digital economy, stc wants to localize this important sector.
services. Recently, stc announced creation artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, It has signed an agreement with Huawei to
of data centers at several Gulf markets. computing and automation according to explore the possibility of bringing a local
stc Bahrain signed an agreement with KSA Vision 2030. The project consists of facility to the Kingdom for data center
the Bahraini Ministry of Transportation 16 data centers with 17,000 storing units manufacturing. Once it starts operation,
and Telecommunications to establish the serving 8 parallel sites spread over 6 cities this facility will help develop the data
largest data center spanning 55,000 square with a maximum capacity of 125 MW. It center sector and localize its industry in
meters as one of the early energy-efficient seeks to double the current digital capacity the Kingdom, through transfer of global
initiatives. This step can encourage local to more than 300 MW in a quick response knowledge, technology and expertise
creators to take a step forward towards to demand in the local market. The project from Huawei in cooperation with local
the use of renewable energy and push for consists of 3 phases: 3 data centers in manufacturers. With this step, stc seeks
new horizons for digital transformation. It Riyadh, Jeddah and Medina in first phase, to provide data center equipment locally
also helps leverage and diversify the local 4 in the second and the rest in the third and at a lower cost, thus keeping pace
economy, which is in line with Bahrain’s phase to make up a total of 16 centers. with technologies globally and creating
Economic Vision 2030. Another initiative The Group has announced an agreement new local industries and an attractive
announced by stc is MENA Hub; a major with Alibaba Cloud to invest $500 million environment for business and technical
digital hub for the Middle East and North in cloud services. stc has recently received innovation. This will, in turn, support
Africa (MENA) region. With an investment a cloud service provider certificate to significant support for the local content and
of $1 billion, the hub will be created in be the first globally accredited Saudi help achieve the goals of KSA Vision 2030.
cooperation with regional and international company in this field. The Group’s Digital
partners, highlighting the Saudi leadership Operations Control Center in Riyadh is the