Page 142 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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                         emphasizing it provided an “opportunity to fill in some   date, the FCC says that the RDOF program has provided
                         of the critical 5G gaps in rural America”. The sale will   USD4.7  billion  in  funding  to  nearly  300  ISPs  for  new
                         commence  less  than nine months after operators   deployments  in  47  states,  extending  broadband  to
                         pledged to spend around $22 billion on licenses in the   almost 2.7 million locations. (March 15, 2022)
                         3.45GHz to 3.5GHz range, in a sale lauded as being one
                         of the highest grossing in the country’s history.  Speaking at the Mobile World Congress 2022 event in
                         (March 22, 2022)           Barcelona, Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
                                                                        chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has announced that
                         The  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)  has   the US watchdog expects to stage its next 5G-suitable
                         announced  that  it  is  ready to  authorize  more  than   spectrum auction in July this year. She told delegates:
                         USD640 million through the Rural Digital Opportunity   ‘Now for the big reveal. I’m excited to announce today
                         Fund (RDOF) to fund new broadband deployments in   that  the  United  States will  hold another  mid-band
                         26  states,  which  will  bring  service  to  nearly  250,000   spectrum auction. This July we will kick off our auction
                         locations.  TeleGeography  notes  that  the  majority  of   of the 2.5GHz band. This is the single largest swath of
                         the companies that will receive funding at this stage   contiguous mid-band spectrum we have below 3GHz
                         are smaller regional operators, although  the likes of   and the airwaves  available in this  auction are going
                         Windstream,  Frontier  Communications  and  Atlantic   to help extend 5G service beyond our most populated
                         Broadband are all on the FCC’s list of winning bidders.   areas. Then, no rest for the weary, we will turn our sights
                         According to TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database,   to working with our federal partners to open up the next
                         the RDOF Phase I auction (Auction 904) commenced   tranche of mid-band spectrum in the 3.1GHz-3.45GHz
                         on  29  October  2020,  having  attracted  a  total  of  386   band.’  Intriguingly,  Ms.  Rosenworcel  also  suggested
                         qualified bidders. In the event, the regulator awarded   that the US is ready to lay the groundwork to support
                         a total of USD9.2 billion in funding to 180 bidders. A   its future 6G agenda. She noted: ‘In fact, I believe for 6G
                         total of 5.2 million unserved homes and businesses –   we need to start planning now to identify spectrum in
                         around 99% of the locations included in the auction –   the 7GHz-15GHz range that can support faster speeds
                         will gain access to high speed internet services as a   and wider coverage. I also believe it’s not too early to
                         result. This includes rural Americans in 49 states and   harmonize these efforts across the world.’
                         the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. To   (March 2, 2022)

                         Uruguay has held a referendum on  whether  or not   approved in July 2020, covers matters including public
                         to  partially  repeal  Law  19,889/2020  (‘Law  of  Urgent   safety, national security, housing,  education,  labor
                         Consideration’),  including  an  article  which  paved  the   rights, financial matters and also declares that number
                         way for the introduction of mobile number portability   portability  is  a  right of users of mobile telephony
                         (MNP)  earlier  this  year.  Over  1.087  million  people   services. However, the law’s critics have described it
        Uruguay          voted  against  repealing  a  total  of  135  articles  of  the   as unconstitutional and undemocratic.
                         controversial law, compared to more than 1.065 million   (March 30, 2022) TeleSemana
                         who voted for the move. Law 19,889/2020, which was

                         The  Ministry  of  Information  and  Communications   end-2022. Considering mobile broadband penetration
                         (MIC)  set  an  ambitious  goal  to  significantly  boost   rose 4 percentage points year-on-year in 2021, hitting
                         mobile broadband penetration and ensure every adult   the 28-percentage point target would be an impressive
                         owns a  smartphone.  Deputy  Minister of Information   achievement. The country ended 2021 with 70.9 million
        Vietnam          and  Communications  Pham  Duc  Long,  speaking  at   broadband subscribers, MIC stated. Data from GSMA
                                                                        Intelligence showed 78 per cent of mobile users had
                         the  World  Mobile  Broadband  and  ICT  Summit  2022
                         in  Hanoi,  reportedly  said  the  government  aimed  to   smartphones at end-2021. The country of 97 million
                         increase the number of mobile broadband subscribers   people had 156 million mobile connections, including
                         from 57 per cent of total users in 2021 to 85 per cent by   42.9 million LTE. (March 10, 2022) Vietnam News Agency

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