Page 16 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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provision of public-sector services require
understanding some key benefits and real-
life use-cases of 5G, with some having been
lately tested in emergency situations in the
wake of COVID-19. Many of these use cases
for both consumers and enterprises were
showcased during the Leaders' Summit
2020 via a live 5G exhibition, courtesy of
Huawei. In so doing, the Leaders' Summit's
focus, steered under the theme "5G +
X: Harnessing 5G Across Industries for
Investment Revival", was achieved not only
through knowledge exchange but through
physical demonstrations, backed by expert
analyses on how 5G business models can
and need to change to accommodate new
digital adoption trends catalyzed by the
applications, can inspire new vertical Council's Leaders' Summit 2020 has COVID-19 pandemic, and how regulation
industry applications. Today that ranges served as the new destination for the must too evolve from traditional mindsets
from improving SME competitiveness to digital space players and decision-makers to new-age approaches. Attaining the 5G
the digitization of oil & gas operations in to make accelerated progress in digital momentum demands that technology
the Middle East and globally, all of which cooperation-building and digitization for innovation, ecosystem amplification,
boost economic potential by enhancing the next decade. I present my gratitude standard unification, business exploration
industrial processes and productivity. to each leader for their gracious presence and growth-oriented collaborative policies
and inspirational messages, and to each be realized with urgency.
Attaining the 5G mo- speaker and moderator for their invaluable The SAMENA Council Leaders' Summit
contributions. The contributions made
mentum demands that during this Leaders' Summit by each 2020 proved that, in the Year 2020, amidst
technology innovation, global body, by each regional entity, and the COVID-19 crisis situation, global
and regional leaders' collaboration is
ecosystem amplifica- by every individual active in our thriving more crucial than ever before. Moreover,
ICT Industry will be essential for our future
tion, standard unification, success." understanding 5G’s necessity and
capabilities now require quick decision-
business exploration and Synergistic and successful use of 5G making and action in achieving the next-
growth-oriented collabo- across various industries as well as the generation of digital connectivity.
rative policies be realized
with urgency.
Mr. Bocar BA, CEO & and Board Member,
following an overwhelming response from
the Industry on the timeliness, agenda, and
mode of execution of the SAMENA Council
Leaders' Summit, has stated: "In the wake
of acceleration in 5G readiness as we
witnessed during the Summit and new
innovative developments that are already
happening, and given the anticipated role
5G may play in advancing other industries
and new growth streams, thereby catalyzing
new economic development opportunities
across established and nascent market
segments around the globe, SAMENA
16 JUNE-JULY 2020