Page 10 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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is not possible on a private basis. It requires
massive collaborative public private efforts.
Mr. Mats Granryd, Director General - GSMA
• 2020 is the year that changed everything
• The Mobile Industry is vital and has enabled
continued social and economic activity
throughout the crisis and has accelerated
digital transformation
• Advancement of robust, resilient and secure
mobile networks and inclusive services are
key to better preparedness for the future
• The key mobile industry priorities include:
- Ensure a positive long-term Spectrum
- Governments need to prioritize
Digital Strategies and Public-Private
- The opportunities in the enterprise space
need to be maximized to build better and
The SAMENA Council Leaders' Summit Bahrain, Belgium, Ireland, Colombia, broader services going forward
2020 has served as a true representation South Korea, Ireland, among other - Accelerate the achievement of the SDGs
of the world's most developed and nations, sharing their experiences and
developing digital economies, all striving expertise as well as future visions for Mr. Bocar BA, CEO - SAMENA Council
• The Leaders' Summit 2020 serves as an
to accelerate digital transformation realizing 5G+X, where "X" stands for all endeavor to put various globally defined
and to overcome complex challenges. infrastructure and cloud-based allied ICT milestones and action plans into
Leaders' Summit demonstrated both technologies and all industries and perspective, and to bring us back on track
global and regional ICT stakeholders' sectors that will be crucial to creating a by drawing on our collective conscience,
commitment to work together, with sustainable 5G ecosystem and, in turn, wisdom, experiences, and expertise to make
maximum progress in fostering Digital
speaker leaders representing the UAE, for revitalizing the economies as well development and, as needed, incentivizing
Saudi Arabia, China, UK, USA, Sweden, as catalyzing new financing models and new ways of investment.
Pakistan, Egypt, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, investments. • We have witnessed during the Leaders’
Switzerland, Kuwait, France, Oman, Summit an urgency with which we need
advanced, reliable and resilient network
infrastructure to master the current and
future crises. Our success between 2020
and 2030 will indeed be influenced by our
progress made in meaningfully leveraging
digital communications technologies,
their application and the advanced digital
networks that they run and scale on. The
COVID-19 crisis highlights just how the use
of ICTs can contribute to better managing
and living through crises.
• A foundation has been created for an ICT
cultural shift, with all necessary mindsets,
practices, capabilities, attitudes required to
be in place for treading the next decade of
connectivity and connectedness.
• Regulators and operators and the larger
ICT community, together, can achieve
major milestones effectively and efficiently
when threats are tangible. With new
challenges on the horizon, transformative
changes and increased collaborative
efforts to achieve key milestones on the
way to fulfilling the SDGs are needed. One
such major milestone is accelerating the
implementation of 5G and other advanced
network technologies such as satellite, in
a harmonized and efficient manner. This
includes meeting necessary requirements
for achieving economies-of-scale in device
availability and general affordability for a
mass-scale adoption, for example.
10 JUNE-JULY 2020