Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 69


        Oman to get its First Satellite by 2024

        Omani  Space  Communication  Tech-   in  2024.  The  company  intends  to  launch   date to purchase the tender document is
        nologies  has  launched  a  tender  for  the   a high-capacity communications satellite   July 15, while bids are due by September
        design,  manufacture  and  launch  of  its   and  its  related  services,  covering  the   21. Space Communication Technologies is
        first  satellite  called  "Omansat-1",  Al   whole Sultanate, its economic waters and   one of the Omani Telecom and Information
        Arabiya  reported  citing  state  television.   the foreign markets associated with it, the   Technology Group companies.
        The  Sultanate  intends  to  launch  its  first   company said in a filing. It invited technical
        satellite dedicated to telecommunications   and  commercial  bids and said  the last

        European New Era Telecommunications Satellite Ready for Launch

        The  European  Space  Agency  (ESA)   Eutelsat Quantum, was developed by ESA   subsidiary of Airbus) was responsible for
        has  announced  that  the  world’s  first   as  a  partnership  with  European  satellite   the  new  satellite  platform.  Most  of  the
        commercial fully flexible software-defined   telecommunications  company  Eutelsat.   satellite was developed and manufactured
        telecommunications  satellite  has  been   The  prime  contractor  for  the  spacecraft   by  British  industry,  because  the  program
        integrated  on  its  launch  rocket.  It  is  now   was  Airbus,  which  was  also  responsible   was  also  a  UK  flagship  project.  The
        ready for its launch, which is scheduled for   for  manufacturing  the  satellite  payload.   satellite will be able to be reprogrammed in
        Friday (July 30). The satellite, designated   Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (a UK   orbit. This will mean that over its 15-year
                                                                                  lifetime it will be able to meet changing data
                                                                                  transmission and secure communications
                                                                                  demands.  Moreover,  its  transmission
                                                                                  beams can be redirected in almost real time
                                                                                  so as to be able to supply information to
                                                                                  passengers on moving aircraft or ships. Its
                                                                                  transmissions can also be adjusted easily,
                                                                                  to provide more data when there are surges
                                                                                  in  demand.  Eutelsat  Quantum  can  also
                                                                                  detect and characterize ‘rogue’ emissions,
                                                                                  should  they  occur.  This  will  allow  it  to
                                                                                  dynamically  respond  to  both  accidental
                                                                                  interference  and  intentional  jamming.  It
                                                                                  will be launched by an Arianespace Ariane
                                                                                  5 rocket, from the European spaceport in
                                                                                  French Guiana, in South America.

        Inmarsat Tunes-Up Enhanced Satellite Play

        Satellite communications player Inmarsat   communications  network  of  the  future”.   with the new land-based assets set to be
        unveiled  a  plan  to  combine  its  existing   Inmarsat claims potential new use cases   developed first. Inmarsat CEO Rajeev Suri
        system  with  a  forthcoming  Low  Earth   will  include  close  shore  navigation  for   said by combining “the distinct qualities of
        Orbit (LEO) constellation and terrestrial 5G   autonomous   vessels,   next-generation   GEO, LEO and 5G into a single network, we
        assets to create a single network targeted   safety systems for maritime crews and   will deliver a service that is far greater than
        at  a  range  of  corporate  customers,  the   “direct-to-cloud connections for airlines”.   the sum of its parts”. “Our customers will
        latest move in the connectivity space race.   In addition to segments it already serves, it   benefit from dramatically expanded high-
        Inmarsat’s  new  combined  offer  will  be   plans to target companies with energy rigs   throughput  services  around  the  world.”
        named  Orchestra  and will  be  targeted  at   and drilling platforms, passenger ships and   The move comes as the race for delivering
        a  range  of  customer  segments  including   operators of mid-market business aircraft.   low-latency connectivity from space hots-
        maritime,   aviation   and   government   Orchestra will combine coverage from its   up,  with  Elon  Musk-led  venture  Starlink
        organizations.  The  company  will  invest   existing Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO)   currently in the trial phase and OneWeb in
        $100  million  in  building  the  system  over   satellites  with  a  constellation  of  150  to   the process of improving its coverage.
        the  next  five  years,  pitching  it  as  “the   175 LEO birds and a 5G terrestrial network,

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