Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 83


        Japan Secures UAE Backing for Key Technologies

        Japan  and  the  UAE agreed  to  expand
        the  scope of an existing  partnership
        in  technology, which will  put the  focus
        on  investment  in  semiconductors  and
        batteries.  A statement  issued  by  Japan’s
        foreign  ministry  revealed  the  nations
        addressed five areas of cooperation during
        a visit by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s to
        the UAE. The areas cover: green economy;
        trade;  diplomacy and  security; culture,
        education,  science  and  technology; and
        international  and regional  affairs. In
        technology, the UAE made a commitment
        to invest  in  Japan’s  chip economy,
        enforced through two frameworks, a move
        which  expands  on  a  scheme  centered  on
        advanced  technology  signed  by  the  pair
        earlier this year. In addition, the countries
        agreed  for  the  UAE  to  provide  financial
        backing  to Japan  to advance its  battery
        ecosystem.  There  is  a plan  for the  two
        nations  to  also  strengthen  dialogue  in
        space  technology, AI and  the  circular
        economy.  Japan  further  highlighted  the
        pair’s objective to lead climate action in the
        international community, ahead of the UN’s
        COP28, to be held at the end of this year.

        Telia Launches VoWiFi

        Telia  Lietuva has  announced the  launch   The  service is  available  at  no additional   OnePlus,  Xiaomi,  Pixel,  Asus  and  Sony,
        of voice-over-Wi-Fi  (VoWiFi),  enabling   charge, although  customers require  a   with Apple devices set to follow in the near
        customers to  make  calls  in  places  where   smartphone that supports VoWiFi, including   future. As VoWiFi has made it possible to
        the  mobile  signal  is  unavailable  or weak.   numerous handsets from Samsung, Nokia,   make  regular  voice  calls  and  send  SMS
                                                                                 over the more developed fixed broadband
                                                                                 infrastructure, the  calls  tend  to be  much
                                                                                 better call quality and also use less energy,
                                                                                 resulting in a longer-lasting phone battery
                                                                                 life. ‘VoWiFi continues the work that VoLTE
                                                                                 technology  started  on  our network seven
                                                                                 years  ago, bringing  traditional  voice calls
                                                                                 even closer to Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp
                                                                                 and other digital communication platforms,’
                                                                                 stated  Telia  technology manager Andrius
                                                                                 Semeskevicius, adding:  ‘The  new service
                                                                                 will  allow  you to  call  any  phone  number
                                                                                 in the world, just by connecting to one of
                                                                                 the Wi-Fi networks densely surrounding us.
                                                                                 VoWiFi will also finally put an end to missed
                                                                                 and  interrupted  calls  in  places  where
                                                                                 mobile communication waves do not reach
                                                                                 – in basements or behind the thick walls of
                                                                                 the old town.’

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