Page 52 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 52


        Huawei Proposes a Three-Level Intelligent Digital Transformation
        Architecture, Helping Carriers Open the Blue Ocean of Digital Intelligence

        At the Operations Digital Transformation   form/network, and organization talent, and   try customers in the marketing phase, while
        Summit of  Win-Win  Huawei  Innovation   the assessment is conducted according to   deterministic  SLA assurance  is provided
        Week, Peng  Song, President  of Huawei   five maturity phases ranging from L1 to L5.   through digital integration and service-lev-
        Carrier BG  Marketing &  Solution Sales   Intelligent digital transformation of opera-  el O&M  capabilities.  On the other hand,
        Dept,  delivered a keynote  speech entitled   tions is also a systematic project. Regard-  mature digital intelligence capabilities are
        "Opening the Blue Ocean of Digital Intelli-  ing this, Zhou Xiaohua, Director of Huawei   adopted to enable digital intelligence of in-
        gence Towards a New Era of DigiVerse". He   Service &  Software Marketing &  Solution   dustry operations and customer service, as
        pointed out that digital intelligence is the   Sales Dept, delivered a  keynote  speech   well as data as a service (DaaS) to generate
        biggest opportunity in the next decade and   entitled  "Breaking Six  Misunderstandings   revenue in new digital services. Finally, Hua-
        will provide a new blue ocean for carriers,   and Accelerating Intelligent Digital Trans-  wei has built the Digital Intelligent Transfor-
        as well as giving them new impetus. Based   formation of Operations",  in which  three   mation DigiVerse Center, Digital Intelligent
        on  decades  of experience  in intelligent   key paths were introduced to help carriers   Transformation Columbus Exhibition Hall,
        digital transformation, Huawei works with   transform in terms of intelligence integra-  and Digital Intelligent Transformation Inno-
        telecom  carriers to  develop a  three-layer   tion in digital services, data-driven intelli-  vation and Practice Center. Leveraging ex-
        intelligent digital transformation architec-  gent experience, and predictable intelligent   perience in valuable scenarios in the actual
        ture, five-dimensional and five-phase op-  digital O&M. Huawei has rolled out a broad   transformation  process,  Huawei provides
        erations  intelligent  digital transformation   portfolio of products  and solutions,  such   more than 10 cloud showcases around the
        maturity  model,  and  three value-oriented   as the Artificial Intelligent Contact Center   world and makes it possible to have immer-
        transformation paths. In this way, carriers   (AICC), SmartCare  Smart  series, and  AU-  sive dialogues with more than 300 experts
        can better embrace new transformation   TIN i series. These help support high-value   while enjoying scenario-based experiences.
        opportunities. "To seize opportunities, car-  ToC, ToH,  and ToB  scenarios of  carriers.   Together,  Huawei, carriers, and  business
        riers need  to accelerate  their  intelligent   We help carriers improve quality and effi-  partners can carry out joint innovation, and
        digital  transformation  from  three levels,"   ciency through automation and intelligence   ultimately embrace the blue ocean of digi-
        said Peng Song. "First, service transforma-  to implement precision marketing and lean   tal intelligence. The Win-Win Huawei Inno-
        tion. Going forward, telecom  carriers will   operations that are market-, government-,   vation Week was held from July 18 to July
        focus on differentiated experience-based   and enterprise-oriented. Huawei, in partic-  21 in Shenzhen, China. Together with glob-
        services, data services, and industry digi-  ular, works to enable a differentiated carrier   al operators, industry professionals, and
        tal services. They need to implement busi-  ToB experience, and empowers  industry   opinion leaders, we dive into topics such as
        ness loop closure by leveraging ecosystem,   innovation  and revenue  increase  through   5.5G, green development, and digital trans-
        platform, and network  to  drive  the rapid   smart operations. On the one hand, immer-  formation  to envision  shared  success  in
        growth of the second  curve. Second,  op-  sive digital marketing is provided for indus-  the digital economy.
        erations  transformation. Carriers need  to
        focus on the user journey, in which prod-
        ucts, services, platforms, and networks are
        intricately linked. Given that 80% of service
        decisions  are projected  to be driven by
        data, they need to maximize data value for
        value-based operations. Third, infrastruc-
        ture transformation. Carriers are expected
        to  provide secure, green,  intelligent,  and
        ubiquitous  networks  in which computing
        and connection resources are integrated."
        Intelligent digital transformation is a pro-
        cess requiring  continuous  optimizations.
        During the intelligent digital transformation
        of operations, Huawei cooperates with in-
        dustry organizations to form a five-dimen-
        sional,  five-phase  maturity  assessment
        model based on its own transformation ex-
        perience as well as that of more than 100
        carriers. The five dimensions of the model
        include transformation strategy, value mea-
        surement, process optimization, data/plat-

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