Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 57



        Persistence in Innovation, Lighting Up The Future

                                                               In  the  past  five  years,  the  biggest  progress  in  our  industry  has
                                                               been  5G.    We all  know  that,  beyond the consumer  market, 5G
                                                               is  now  bringing  new revenue  streams  to  carriers and  enabling
                                                               carriers to deeply participate in the digital transformation of other
                                                               key industries.

                                                               Nevertheless, 5G’s development is only one part of the changes
                                                               we're seeing in the world. In addition, there are other key trends
                                                               that will have a long-term impact on our industry.

                                                                  According  to  the  World  Economic  Forum,
                                                                  by 2030 digital technology could also help
                                                                  reduce  global  carbon  emissions  by 15%.
                                                                  Building a green ICT network will not only cut
                                                                  emissions and improve power efficiency. It
                                                                  will  help  realize  significant  OPEX  saving,
                                                                  which  is a key target  that  all carriers  are

                                                                  pursuing. It is recognized as instrumental
                                                                  for their sustainable  development  and to
                                                                  fulfill their social responsibility.

                                                               For one, vertical industries’ digital transformation has accelerated
                                                               greatly during the pandemic, by some estimates accelerating by as
                                                               much as seven years. Right now, for instance, 81% of enterprises
                                                               use cloud-based  applications. According to  Gartner,  Enterprise
        An Jian                                                ICT spending is projected to total USD16 trillion in the next five
        President of Carrier Network Business Group            years.  The governance  budget  spends  more on OPEX  than
        Huawei Middle East                                     CAPEX, and 65% of CIOs from verticals indicate that they would
                                                               prefer to purchase outsourced services rather than self-built IT
                                                               systems. More and more enterprises are willing to purchase full-
                                                               stack IT services instead of fragmented  services. These trends
                                                               require greater connectivity and cloud capabilities which present
                                                               tremendous opportunities for carriers. Take China as an example.
                                                               In 2020, China Mobile’s ICT basic services increased  by 59.4%,
                                                               compared with  2019.  Its  B2B  business  grew rapidly, reaching
                                                               34.6%, and its cloud services increased by 353.8%.

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