Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
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        existing one, allows us to simultaneously   solutions for existing and future clients.   country.” Michael Siegel,  Director Nokia
        connect smart and digital devices that we   We see  the  Private 5G network  as a key   Enterprise  South-East  Europe,  said: “By
        use every day in our production, and which   technology for further development in the   implementing  the Nokia DAC, AD Plastik
        will be even more represented in the future.   next decade. That is why we launched   will  benefit  from  the  highest  reliability
        Simply put, at the moment it is the basis   this project with the aim of expanding the   and lowest latency  connectivity  for all
        for connecting devices that will help us in   range of  our services.  In  this  technology,   their operations, allowing the company to
        the production and delivery processes, and   which is characterized not only by a large   accelerate  its  digitalization and industry
        for the future we create the preconditions   capacity of the network, but also by many   4.0  transformation  for  greater  efficiency
        for building a  modern,  digital  and   other possibilities, we see the potential to   and  flexibility  while maintaining  quality
        promising  company.”  Andrej  Skenderović   start the recovery and further development   and safety in its manufacturing facility in
        Project Manager at OIV Digital Signals and   of the industry.  We hope  that with this   Croatia”
        Networks, said: “OIV  as  a  modern digital   project we will continue to be the leading
        company is  constantly  looking for new   provider of innovative services  in our

        Nokia, SK Telecom Collaborate on New Virtualized RAN Network in Korea

        Nokia and SK Telecom have successfully
        completed  a  proof-of-concept (PoC)
        and  demonstration  of  the  world's  first
        5G 64TRX wireless-based  cloud Radio
        Access  Network  (vRAN) in  Korea.  The
        trial  highlighted  Nokia’s  technological
        leadership in wireless network architecture.
        Both companies plan to start field testing a
        vRAN in 2022. The demonstration included
        the process of virtualizing the baseband
        based  on Nokia's design,  including  its
        comprehensive infrastructure solutions
        such  as  NADCM (Nokia  AirFrame Data
        Center  Manager), separating  hardware
        and   software,  and  operating  each
        independently.  In particular, the network   Park,  Vice President and  Head  of  Infra   network  services.”  Kevin Ahn, Head of
        flexibility and performance were tested at   Technology  Office,  SK  Telecom,  said:   Korea, Nokia, said: “This demonstration
        the same time by dividing the infrastructure   “Through the verification of 5G cloud RAN   once  again  confirms  the  leadership  of
        into  two  separate  functions:  a  cloudified   technology provided by Nokia, SK Telecom,   both companies in 5G  technology, and
        virtual distributed unit (vDU) and a virtual   as a leader of the evolution of 5G wireless   serves as an opportunity for full-scale
        central unit (vCU). Through this 5G vRAN   network architecture, was able to confirm   commercialization of 5G vRAN.  We will
        demonstration, both companies were able   its technological prowess once  again.   continue  to actively cooperate  with  SK
        to confirm the agile response to computing   Based  on  the resilient and flexible 5G   Telecom  to quickly introduce market-
        requirements  such  as high  performance,   network infrastructure and vRAN that can   leading  services based  on the best 5G
        large  capacity and the  possibility of   maximize  efficiency,  we  will  continue  to   network.”
        rapidly launching new services. Jongkwan   lead the  next-generation  communication

        Nokia and Tele2 Expand 5G Partnership in the Baltics

        Nokia  announced that  it  is  extending   sole supplier in the deal. Nokia will provide   RAN portfolio is  designed  for seamless,
        its  partnership  with Tele2 to deploy  5G   equipment  from its  latest  ReefShark   simple, and efficient ‘plug-in’ deployment
        RAN in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in a   System  on  Chip-powered  AirScale  and reduced  power  consumption. It
        long-term  deal. The  deal will  continue  to   equipment  portfolio to modernize Tele2’s   covers all deployment scenarios including
        build on the 25 years of strong and close   nationwide radio network. The rollout will   dense-urban  environments  and wide-
        cooperation  between  Nokia  and Tele2 in   begin  once  Tele2  has  acquired  sufficient   area coverage. Nokia has partnered  with
        the Baltic region. Nokia’s 5G solutions will   spectrum with auctions for both low and   Tele2 on 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G network
        enable  Tele2 to deliver connectivity  and   high  band  frequencies  happening  this   deployments in the Baltics  since  1996.
        capacity  benefits  at  ultra-low  latencies   year.  Tele2 has  previously acquired 5G   Petras Masiulis,  CEO  Baltics  at  Tele2,
        to their customers  as well as reduce   spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band and the 700   commented:  "We now have a  strong and
        complexity.  Nokia  is  the incumbent  and   MHz spectrum in Latvia. Nokia’s AirScale   reliable partner for our complete 5G rollout

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