Page 27 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 27


                                             Huawei Ranks  No. 5  in U.S. Patents in Sign  of

                                             Chinese Growth

        Huawei is continuing to move up the list of   at No. 5 behind  perennial  top  patent-  been  cut off from procuring  components
        companies getting the most U.S. patents,   getter International Business Machines   needed  for its phones  by the  Biden
        according to  a  new study of  patenting   Corp.  according  to the  study by Fairview   administration.  The U.S.  government  has
        activity  that  shows  Chinese  firms  are   Research’s IFI  Claims Patent Services.   accused  the  Shenzhen-based  company
        increasingly responsible for a greater share   Huawei’s success  in obtaining  patents   of being  a  security  threat, charges that
        of the world’s innovation. Huawei received   comes even as its networking equipment   Huawei denies.  Huawei jumped  from
        2,770 U.S.  patents last  year, putting  it   is shut out of the American market and it’s   ninth  place  in part because  of declines
                                                                                  by  other companies  as  the U.S.  Patent
                                                                                  and  Trademark  Office  issued  7%  fewer
                                                                                  patents last  year.  Samsung Electronics
                                                                                  Co., Canon Inc. and Taiwan Semiconductor
                                                                                  Manufacturing Co. rounded out the top five
                                                                                  patent recipients. Chinese companies also
                                                                                  dominate when considering global patent
                                                                                  ownership,  according  to the  analytics
                                                                                  firm. Samsung remains the biggest holder
                                                                                  of patented  inventions  globally.  But  six
                                                                                  Chinese entities, including Huawei and the
                                                                                  Chinese Academy of Sciences, hold more
                                                                                  patents on inventions that&Tan IBM, which
                                                                                  ranks No. 8 on that list. “Everywhere you
                                                                                  turn, they seem to be

        Huawei Retains Leadership in 5G RAN Portfolio

        Huawei's 5G RAN portfolio has been
        ranked a leader for the third year in a row
        in GlobalData's recent H2 2021 report 5G
        RAN: Competitive Landscape Assessment.
        This report is released every six months to
        evaluate the competitive advantages of 5G
        RAN products from  major  RAN  vendors.
        In the H2  2021 report, Huawei's product
        portfolio outclassed its  competitors
        in all  four  criteria: radio unit portfolio
        breadth,  baseband  unit (BBU) capacity,
        ease  of installation,  and technological
        evolution. In  terms  of radio unit  portfolio
        breadth,  Huawei's radio product range
        greatly  facilitates  ubiquitous  5G  gigabit
        experiences.  Through    continuous
        innovation, Huawei  has  amassed various
        advantages that allow it to deploy across   3 GHz 4T-8T-Massive MIMO multi-antenna   the pack in terms of BBU  capacity, with
        different scenarios and spur the industry   ultra-wideband products improve spectral   the largest  number of  cells per unit
        forward. For example, MetaAAU improves   and  energy  efficiency  while  reducing   volume,  as  well as  industry-leading 400
        both  coverage  and  energy  efficiency,   costs. These offerings can help operators   MHz mmWave cell capability. The Huawei
        BladeAAU Pro simplifies 5G deployment at   upgrade  their networks.  According to the   BBU5900 safeguards operators' return on
        sites with limited antenna space, 400MHz   report, Huawei offers the largest variety   investment  and their  ability to cope  with
        ultra-wideband  AAU  allows operators to   of 5G radio products  for deployment   future  traffic  growth.  Ease  of  installation
        utilize fragmented spectrum and construct   in different scenarios.  The  report  also   was  another  criterion,  and Huawei's 5G
        shared multi-operator networks, and sub-  shows that  the Huawei  BBU5900  leads   RAN portfolio is already far ahead in terms

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