Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
P. 77


        Ooredoo Algeria Deploys Nokia’s Cloud-Native Core

        Ooredoo  Algeria  has deployed Nokia’s   technology.’  Djillali  Erouane,  Technology   automation and the Internet of Things
        cloud-native Core software to cost   Operational  Director  at  Ooredoo  Algeria,   (IoT) when  these technologies  become
        effectively  strengthen  its  network  added: ‘Moving the core network to Nokia’s   available in the country.’
        performance  and  reliability, and to   cloud  solution can support  industrial
        strategically position itself for the
        future and the launch  of new services to
        meet  customer  needs.  A  press  release
        announced:  ‘By  modernizing  its  core  to
        a  more  efficient,  cloud-based  network,
        with    near-zero-touch  automation
        capabilities and  high-level operational
        efficiencies,  Ooredoo  Algeria  can  meet
        rising customer demand for much greater
        bandwidth  capacity  and  service  quality.
        The deployment follows Nokia’s support to
        help Ooredoo Algeria deploy North Africa’s
        first  cloud  mobile  gateway  and  facilitate
        the complete  migration from the legacy
        core to Nokia’s cloud-native core network

        Vodafone Switches on Greece’s Third 5G Network

        Vodafone Greece launched its 5G network   parallel modernization of the 4G network,   million  (USD450.8  million)  for  the  state.
        last week, following on from launches by   Vodafone says its 4G customers will also   Frequencies  in  the  700MHz,  3.7GHz  and
        its rivals Cosmote and Wind in December   benefit  from  an  improved  connection   26GHz bands were sold, alongside permits
        2020. The Vodafone network is available in   experience  and higher  speeds  by up  to   for  the  2100MHz  range,  some  of  which
        parts of Athens and Thessaloniki, with 40%   50%.  The  Greek  government’s  auction   are already in use, but are due to expire in
        of the population expected to be covered by   of 5G-capable spectrum  was  completed   2021.
        March 2022. At the same time, through the   on  16  December,  raising  EUR372.3

        Beltelecom Completes 5G Test Phase, now ‘Ready to Deploy’

                                                                                 BelTA  cites  Yuri  Petruchenya,  director
                                                                                 general of  Belarusian  state-owned telco
                                                                                 Beltelecom,  as saying that the company
                                                                                 has  finished  testing  a  5G  network  and
                                                                                 is  now ready to move to the launch
                                                                                 phase.  In  a  presentation  outlining  the
                                                                                 next generation technology  in the China-
                                                                                 Belarus  industrial  park  Great  Stone  on
                                                                                 14  January,  Petruchenya  confirmed  that
                                                                                 Beltelecom  has successfully  tested 5G
                                                                                 services using equipment operating in the
                                                                                 3.6GHz band. The two sites – the industrial
                                                                                 park itself, and a second location in Kopyl
                                                                                 District,  Minsk  Oblast  –  used  equipment
                                                                                 supplied  by  Huawei  of  China.  Access
                                                                                 speeds peaked at 1.235Gbps, he said.

                                                                                                    77    JANUARY 2021
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82