Page 34 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
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        advantages of which include coverage, long   Bahrain, said: “NB-IoT is the main pillar to   standard in the  machine-to-machine
        battery life, and cost-effective solutions to   enable IoT & M2M in a massive scale. Zain   (M2M)  communication  sector.  NB-IoT  is
        enterprises,  it  said.  Commenting  on  the   Bahrain’s  successful  trial  with  Ericsson   expected to become an integral part of 5G,
        successful completion of the NB-IoT trial,   shows that NB-IoT has everything that is   addressing the
        Ali Al-Yaham, Director Technology at Zain   needed to become the new, interoperable

        Zain Bahrain Partners With OSN

        Zain  Bahrain  operator  in  the  Kingdom
        recently, announced  the signing  of an
        exclusive partnership  with Atyaf Home
        Entertainment,  a one-stop  entertainment
        service  provider  in  Bahrain.  Zain  Bahrain
        provides its customers with OSN streaming
        subscriptions for a year. Through the OSN
        application, Zain Bahrain’s customers will
        be able to  enjoy  complimentary  viewing
        of their favorite shows, Disney+ Originals,
        HBO,  Paramount+,  kids’  content  &  so
        much more. Zain Bahrain's customers will
        enjoy OSN streaming as part of their plans
        when  they  activate a  new line or when
        they  choose to  upgrade  their  plans to
        eligible packages on postpaid, fiber, 4G &
        5G home broadband, or mobile broadband
        packages. Customers can claim the offer
        within ten days of line activation or service   Bahrain  Director  of  Consumer  Marketing   Bahrain  are  committed to  providing
        upgrade, enabling the use of the service for   and  Sales,  said  “We  always  believe  in   world-class premium content  and we
        a period of 1-year. Through OSN streaming,   'customer  first'  and  accordingly  bring  in   are  confident  our  subscribers  will  enjoy
        Zain customers will gain access to Arabic   seamless and enhanced experiences that   the  streaming  experience”.  Through  the
        and English entertainment at a click of a   they can avail anytime and anywhere. This   partnership,  Zain Bahrain  reinforces its
        button  and the application  is compatible   partnership will ensure that entertainment   commitment to offering its customers the
        with various devices,  including  the  newly   lovers  in  Bahrain  have  ample choice  and   latest technology & services, applications,
        launched  iPhone  12  series.  Commenting   easy access to unique  content across   and gadgets to  enjoy  a  smarter way  of
        on the partnership,  Ammar Alketbi,  Zain   a  variety  of  different  genres.  We  at  Zain   living by constantly staying connected.

        Zain Bahrain Expands Global Network By 75%

        Zain Bahrain, a leading telecommunications   the MENA region to the US. In addition, to   been  supported by a solid infrastructure
        operator  in  Bahrain,  expedited  its  ensure the highest availability of its global   that Zain has in place. This has enabled us
        expansion plans during 2020 – a year that   network and to provide the lowest latency   to  deliver  on our  commitment  to  provide
        proved  to  be  significantly  exceptional  in   to its customers, Zain has spread its   increased  availability,  reliability  and
        terms of service continuity for businesses   capacity across all submarine cables such   state of the art service to our customers.
        and  consumers.  During  the  year,  the   as TGN, FLAG, GBI, EIG, IMEWE, GCCIA as   During  the  pandemic,  the  Zain  Global
        telecommunications  giant  expanded its   well as all terrestrial cables in the region.   Network has  demonstrated resilience  by
        global  network  by  75%  accommodating   Further to  rapidly  expanding  its  global   providing a  diverse connectivity  through
        for  significant  data  growth  across  its   capacity, Zain has ensured to host multiple   utilization of all submarine and terrestrial
        mobile  and  fixed  network,  driven  by   content delivery networks, such as Google,   cables, in addition to providing the lowest
        remote  working, virtual  education and   Facebook  and Netflix in order to better   latency through  its  presence  on multiple
        meetings and the increasing use of   serve its Bahrain clients, it said. Zain B2B   internet exchanges and points of presence
        digital solutions. Zain leveraged its global   & Wholesale Director, Ali Mustafa, stated:   across the world. Zain’s global capability
        network  spread  across  16  countries  with   “The pandemic has been dramatic in terms   is  not only limited to Zain  Bahrain’s
        more than 30 points of presence and with   of  human  impact  and  lifestyle.  However,   customers,  but is  also extended to local
        interconnections in more than 13 tier one   we  have been  successful  in  rapidly   ISPs  supporting  them  in  serving  their
        internet exchanges across the world, from   expanding  our  international  connectivity   customers  and meeting  the exponential
        Singapore to Europe and passing through   to meet the significant growth which has   growth in data traffic.” -

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