Page 41 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
P. 41


        and Peace Med are both expected  to be   Xiaohua,  Chief  Operating  Officer,  PEACE   by the PEACE partnership, with commercial
        completed on time, on budget and within   Cable International,  said, “We see the   implementation  assistance from  PCCW
        the  originally  specified  plan  of  work,  the   PEACE project as a strategic pivot for the   Global. This illustrates the  extent  of our
        planned extension through Peace South is   HENGTONG Group to further expand as a   commitment  to the project as  a  major
        a natural expansion for Asian investment   subsea cable investor and we look forward   strategic opportunity to  spearhead the
        in Africa, enhancing  cooperation  and   to identifying new investment opportunities   deployment and commercialization of
        shared economic benefits in the exchange   in this market.  Investment in the PEACE   better connectivity between Africa, Europe
        of goods, technology and ideas.” Mr. Sun   South  extension is being  provided  solely   and Asia.”

                                             stc Bahrain Extends Reach of 5G Network

        stc Bahrain (previously known as Viva   broadband and home broadband services   up to  40Mbps,  a  600GB  monthly  data
        Bahrain) has announced the launch of the   are now available across more than 50% of   allowance and an additional 3GB a month
        next phase of its 5G network in partnership   the  country, enabling  customers  to enjoy   of mobile data, subject  to a 24-month
        with Chinese equipment supplier Huawei.   data speeds  of up to 1.2Gbps. Prices for   contract. To access 5G mobile  services,
        Following an initial launch in selected areas   5G home broadband plans start at BHD21   pre-paid and post-paid subscribers pay an
        in June  2019, the operator’s  5G mobile   (USD55) per month for download speeds   extra BHD5 a month.

                                             Strategy & boosts Middle East TMT Practice with
                                             Two New Partners

        The  Technology, Media, and Telecom   Entertainment business in the Middle East,   telecom  sector,  before  going on  to  join
        (TMT) practice of Middle East consultancy   with  expertise in culture, entertainment,   the Lebanese  Broadcasting  Association
        Strategy&  has  been  given  a  leadership   and media sector strategy.  A software   as  Deputy  Head of Channels  and later
        boost for the new year with two additional   engineering masters holder from Imperial   as  the Executive Director  – Broadcast
        partners; Karim Sarkis, who joined the firm   College London, he boasts over 25 years of   Group  for Abu Dhabi  Media. In 2012,
        at the beginning of 2018 (after an earlier   consulting and media industry experience,   Sarkis co-founded Sync Media, and joined
        career stint at Strategy& predecessor Booz   originally  joining Andersen  Consulting  in   Strategy&  as  a  senior  executive  advisor
        &  Company),  and  Lancelot  Sursock,  who   1992  for three years before spending  a   at the start of 2018. Among noted recent
        returns to Strategy& after spending over a   further four at Arthur D. Little. From there,   assignments  for  Strategy&,  Sarkis  is
        decade with Booz to 2015.            Sarkis served as a senior associate in the   credited with assisting a GCC ministry of
        Karim Sarkis                         GCC  and  UK  for  Booz  &  Company,  with   culture  in  various  projects  including  film
        Sarkis  heads  up  Strategy&’s  Media  and   a focus on  strategic  consulting  in the   infrastructure strategy and public  library

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