Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 76


        Qatar’s Digital Investments to Soar to US$5.7 Billion By 2026

        Qatar’s  digital  investments  across  15
        priority technologies  including  AI, IoT
        and  cybersecurity are  expected  to soar
        to $5.7bn  by  2026,  up  from  $1.65bn
        in  2022,  a new report  unveiled  by the
        Investment  Promotion Agency Qatar
        (Invest  Qatar)  has  shown.  The  joint
        report  was  launched  in  association  with
        the  Ministry of Communications  and
        Information  Technology (MCIT),  titled
        ‘Smarter  Qatar:  Embracing Emerging
        Technologies  and  Innovation,  Improving
        Lives  and Driving a Sustainable  Digital
        Economy’.  The  report  showcases  Qatar's   including   Artificial   Intelligence   (AI),   has  been  remarkable; the  country has
        commitment   to  harnessing  cutting-  Internet of Things (IoT) and cybersecurity.   achieved  global  recognition,  leading  the
        edge  technologies  for its  smart  country   Qatar’s  digital  investments  across  these   Global Entrepreneurship Index in the Arab
        transition  and  emphasizes  initiatives  to   priority technologies  are expected  to   world and developing world-leading digital
        capitalize on the  growing global smart   soar to $5.7bn by 2026, up from $1.65bn   infrastructure. “This joint report stands as a
        city market,  projected  to approach $7tn   in  2022.  This  initiative spearheads  the   testament to Qatar’s unwavering dedication
        by 2030. Released ahead of the inaugural   transformation  of vital  economic  sectors,   and serves as an inspiring blueprint for other
        edition  of the  world’s  largest  technology   encompassing  transportation,  healthcare,   countries  venturing  into their  own smart
        event  in  the  region, Web Summit Qatar,   tourism and  education, unlocking  key   city and smart country initiatives.” Building
        the  report  underscores  Qatar's  conducive   opportunities  for sustainable  growth   future-ready smart cities: Qatar is home to
        ecosystem, which fosters the development   across  these  pivotal  domains.  Reem  al-  the world’s first commercially available 5G
        of emerging  and advanced technologies.   Mansoori, assistant undersecretary, Digital   network and is also ranked first for internet
        This supportive environment is bolstered by   Industry Affairs, MCIT, said,  "Qatar  is  a   adoption  globally  with  nearly  a  100%
        significant direct government investments   vibrant ecosystem for startups and global   internet penetration rate. The country has
        and   comprehensive  incubation  and  businesses,  serving  as  a  launch  pad  for   also made substantial investments in areas
        acceleration programs designed to support   innovating  and  piloting  digital  solutions.   like  Msheireb  Downtown Doha  and  Lusail
        entrepreneurs  and  small  and medium   Positioned  as  a  strategic  gateway to   City  to create  sustainable  environments,
        enterprises  (SMEs). Qatar’s  dedicated   international markets, we consolidate vital   aligned  with  Qatar National  Vision  2030
        efforts  in  digital  transformation  are   resources in this report for entities aiming   (QNV  2030).  Lusail  seamlessly  integrates
        demonstrated  by various initiatives,  such   to root their  digital  operations  in  Qatar.   smart  technologies  with  energy-efficient
        as  MCIT's  TASMU Smart  Qatar, which   Emphasizing  quality  of life, we welcome   buildings  to intelligent  transportation
        fosters  a digitally enabled  economy. With   partners  sharing our  vision  to foster a   solutions,  while  Msheireb  Downtown
        a  focus on stimulating  innovation  across   smarter and more connected Qatar.” Sheikh   Doha weaves  smart infrastructure into
        key sectors, some 15 priority technologies   Ali  Alwaleed  al-Thani,  Invest  Qatar  CEO,   its  fabric to establish  a  connected  and
        have  been  identified  for  development,   said: “Qatar’s digital transformation journey   environmentally conscious urban center.

        Nokia and Transworld Build Optical Transport Network in Pakistan, UAE and

        Transworld Associates  (TWA) will  use   accommodating the  exponential  growth   of 28.8Tb/s,  and  will  feature  a  per-
        Nokia’s  optical  transport  solution  to   of data  and bandwidth  links  between   wavelength data rate of 600Gb/s. To meet
        build  a new optical  network connecting   data  centers.  The  new optical  network   TWA’s  increasing  bandwidth  demand,
        Pakistan,  United  Arab  Emirates  (UAE)   between  Pakistan,  UAE and  Oman  will   Nokia  will  provide  its  1830  Photonic
        and Oman as part of its  submarine   boast  a  capacity  of  9.2Tb/s,  helping  to   Service  Switch  platforms. Powered  by
        capacity expansion  plan.  A submarine   support  business  and  end  users  as  the   fifth-generation  super-coherent  Photonic
        capacity backhaul system  is  also being   need  for improved  connectivity  across   Service  Engine  (PSE-Vs),  the  solution
        deployed in Karachi Metro. The project will   the  region  intensifies.  The  submarine   robustly manages large data volumes and
        support  transformation in  the  region  by   backhaul system  will  have  a capacity   optimizes  network performance, while

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