Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        community’s  needs.  The  expo  is  divided   topics. This includes information systems,   gets, smartphones, electronic devices, and
        into two  events  held  simultaneously; the   smart applications, the latest strategies, as   their  accessories.  This  event  provides  a
        first  event,  ‘Kuwait  International  Technol-  well as building partnerships with the major   unique opportunity for all companies to be
        ogy  Show’,  is  the  largest  B2B  show  that   participating  companies  through face-to-  present and interact directly with the public
        offers companies the opportunity to show-  face meetings with leading decision mak-  to  present  exciting  offers.  In  addition,  at-
        case their latest products and applications,   ers,  researchers  and  professionals  within   tendees will experience a unique platform
        paving  the  way  to discuss  and  exchange   the  sector. The  second  event,  the  ‘Kuwait   to  compare  between  brands  and  benefit
        ideas and information about the telecom-  Tech Shopper’, is the only exhibition of its   from special and exclusive offers.
        munications and technology industry’s key   kind that specializes in direct sales of gad-

        Zain Kuwait, ZainTech, and Microsoft Collaborate to Launch the National
        Cloud Initiative, Empowering Organizations in the Country

        Zain  Kuwait,  the  leading  digital  service
        provider  in  the  country,  and  ZainTech,
        the  one-stop digital  and  ICT  solutions
        powerhouse of Zain Group, announce a joint
        collaboration  initiative with  Microsoft to
        introduce a national cloud offering for public
        and private sectors in the country. All three
        entities  have impressive cloud offerings   hassles.  The  national  cloud offering  is   businesses  across  Kuwait  to  leverage
        regionally, and this latest alliance will see   capable  of supporting  companies  across   the power of the cloud to accelerate their
        the  development  of a cloud environment   industries in handling emergency needs or   digital  transformation  in  line  with  Kuwait
        combining  Microsoft's  extensive  portfolio,   cyclical demands without overprovisioning   Vision  2035,”  said  Alaeddine  Karim,
        Zain's  private  cloud  infrastructure,  and   large  amounts  of  hardware,  allowing   Country  Manager  of  Microsoft  Kuwait.
        ZainTech’s  expertise,  enabling  data  and   for  a  flexible  utilization  of  resources.   “Microsoft  trusted  cloud services  will
        applications  to be  shared  between  them.   Commenting on this collaboration, Hamad   deliver  unprecedented  opportunities  for
        The solution will give businesses in Kuwait   Al  Marzouq,  Zain  Kuwait  Chief  Enterprise   organizations  of all  sizes  and  across  all
        greater deployment options and the ability   Business  Officer  said,  “Cloud  offerings   industries  to  innovate,  better  serve  their
        to easily scale computing resources while   are  driving  efficiencies  that  have  never   customers and achieve their  business
        still  maintaining interoperability with  their   been  experienced  before,  and  the  Kuwait   goals  – ultimately  supporting  continued
        on-premises systems. The cloud offering is   government  has  been  quick to realize its   economic growth in Kuwait.” Andrew Hanna,
        being introduced as a solution for Kuwaiti   benefits  and  has  been  investing  in  cloud   CEO of ZainTech, commented, “Kuwait has
        clients, as full adoption of the hyperscale   infrastructure  accordingly.  Our  alliance   been an early adopter of enterprise cloud
        cloud is not currently possible due to data   with  Microsoft  and  ZainTech  is  geared   solutions,  which  has  helped  successfully
        residency  and  sovereignty  regulations.   towards supporting and accelerating these   drive the economy forward for many years.
        With  a  clear  data  classification  strategy   developments  further  and  comes from a   The  cloud market  remains  nascent  and
        in  place,  the  national  cloud  offering  in   shared vision of the benefits the flexibility of   rapidly developing, with strong competition
        Kuwait  can  help  organizations  modernize   cloud offerings has on driving digitization in   from both  local  and  international  cloud
        their  data  centers  by bringing  cloud   our country.” Dr. Ammar Alhusaini, Deputy   providers. Our collaboration with Zain and
        techniques, such as software-defined data   Director General at the Central Agency for   Microsoft offers a combination of the best
        centers,  self-service,  and  elasticity  based   Information  Technology highlighted  the   technical  products  and  solutions,  client
        on  virtualization,  into  their  data  centers.   importance  of this  launch  in  accelerating   relationships,  subject  matter  experts,
        Using  a  single  centralized  perspective,   the  country’s  cloud adoption  and  digital   and  experience that  has  never before
        the  national cloud offering  can enable   transformation journey, a main pillar of the   been  available  in  Kuwait,  and  we  believe
        organizations   to   efficiently   manage   new Kuwait vision (Kuwait 2035). He said,   it  is  the  right  collaboration  necessary
        compliance with  proliferating  standards   “Such  investments  and  initiatives  are  key   to supercharge the  cloud ambitions
        and infrastructure that is expanding across   to enabling  organizations  across sectors   of  organizations  in  Kuwait.”  ZainTech
        on-premises, public cloud, and multi-cloud   in  Kuwait  to  drive  efficiencies,  optimize   supports  private  and  public  organizations
        implementations.  The  collaboration  is   operations,  deliver  better  services,  and   in regulated and non-regulated industries in
        also  set  to  encourage  entities  in  Kuwait   accelerate the pace of innovation.” “Kuwait’s   leveraging the power of the cloud to deliver
        to integrate  innovative  techniques  and   forward-looking  leadership  has  laid  the   transformational IT outcomes.  It provides
        technology into their applications, including   foundation  of the  country  to become a   high-quality  capabilities  to  customers,  as
        Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  and  machine   digitally  advanced  society  through the   well as outcome-driven engagements with
        learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile,   early adoption of technology, and through   flexible  pricing  that  helps  optimize  and
        and  security  at  speed  without  complex   our partnership with Zain and ZainTech we   reduce businesses’ total cost of ownership.
        hardware  procurement  and  configuration   will deliver on our commitment to enabling
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