Page 124 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 124



        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) is continuing   Al  Mudhaibi,  Jaalan  Bani  Bu  Ali,  Bahla,  Yanqul,  Mahdha,  Duqm
        with  its  awareness  campaign on the  protection  of the  rights  of   and Taqah. TRA affirmed that such surveys are carried out using
        users  of  various  services  TRA  campaign  #YourRight_ToKnow   specialized measurement tools and approved methodologies that
        aims  to  protect  the  rights  of  beneficiaries  by  educating  them   simulate a user’s experience. They seek to raise beneficiaries’ level
        about their  rights  and  obligations  towards  telecom service   of awareness and enhance competition in the sector, it said. Key
        providers.  In  return,  the  telecom  providers  have  participated  in   indicators covered the level of coverage, the speed of downloading
        the campaign by publishing a number of messages through the   data and the percentage of successful calls, it added.
        hashtag #YourRight_ToKnow, on various types of fraud issues and   (February 13, 2023)
        their risks, which targets all segments of society, and both citizens
        and residents. The campaign includes educational messages on   The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has issued
        several  topics  of  interest  such  as  international  roaming,  billing,   a permit for North  Star Company to provide  Internet  of  Things
        advertising messages, grievances of beneficiaries, and children's   services. This type of permit is aimed at supporting innovation,
        rights, in addition to quality approval and the 'Choose your package'   promoting  the  digital  economy  and  investment  opportunities,
        platform. TRA issued a regulation of the rights of beneficiaries last   and finding innovative solutions to raise the level of services. In
        September,  which  included  11  chapters  divided  into  75  articles,   2022, TRA issued a permit for Artificial Excellence Technologies to
        concerned with regulating the relationship between beneficiaries   provide its services in this field, the only other company authorized
        and  telecommunications  companies  or their  licensees.  These   to provide IoT services. The organization of the Internet of Things
        regulations will be implemented in mid-February of 2024 as part   (IoT) was announced in 2022 through the issuance of a regulation
        of  the  TRA's  responsibility  towards  taking  care  of  the  interests   regulating the provision of Internet services issued by Resolution
        of  beneficiaries  and  promoting  the  use  of  telecommunications   93/2022  in  May  2022.  The  regulation  included  four  chapters,
        services. (February 16, 2023)      which are definitions and general provisions, the licenses chapter,
                                                               the obligations and rights of authorized persons, and the penalties
        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has said that   chapter.  The  IoT  value  chain  covers  devices,  connectivity,  big
        the  Wilayat  of  Muttrah  posted  the  highest  4G  service  coverage   data, data analytics, and applications with multiple stakeholders.
        rate in 2022, while the Wilayat of Saham boasted the highest data   Companies keen to operate in the sector can submit requests for
        download speed  for  mobile broadband services.  The  Telecom   licenses  to  provide  Internet  of  Things  (IoT)  services.  The  initial
        Services  Quality  Assessment  for  2022  was  the  outcome  of  a   approval  will  be  valid  for  12  months  to  enable  the  applicant  to
        field  survey  conducted  by  the  TRA  to  measure  the  quality  of   establish the system for providing the service.
        telecommunication services in Oman’s wilayats in 2022. The survey   (January 25, 2023)
        covered  11  wilayats,  which  were  Daba,  Saham,  Barka,  Muttrah,


        The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has published   increased due to the ‘current economic situation and increase in
        a consultation document on the proposed introduction of a SIM   operational expenditures’. Meanwhile, SIM connection prices were
        disowning  charge.  The  proposed charge has  been  sought  by   deregulated  in  2020  but  competition  amongst  cellcos  prevents
        mobile  operators  due  to  the  high  cost  of customer acquisition   any  from  imposing  sign-up  fees.  Consequently,  mobile  provider
        and reported abuse of free SIMs by some consumers. Regarding   Telenor announced in August last year that it would implement a
        the  latter,  the  PTA  claims  that  some  consumers  hand  SIMs  to   SIM disowning fee. The cellco was directed to halt the program,
        ‘illegal sources’ for financial gain and exploit the free disowning   however, and the PTA initiated talks on the matter with industry
        SIM facility by returning the SIM once they are identified. These   players in September. No consensus was reached amongst the
        customers then acquire a new SIM from  another  operator  for   providers on a potential  framework  for  SIM disowning  charges
        the  same  activity,  which  also  enables  them  to  abuse  customer   or suitable  price  for such.  Telenor  proposed a minimum levy
        acquisition offers provided to new customers for the sale of SIMs.   of  PKR300  (USD1.3),  whilst  ceilings  of  PKR300  and  PKR500
        In addition, the regulator stated that there were instances where   were  suggested  by  Zong  and  Jazz,  respectively  and  the  PTA
        free SIM disowning was exploited by grey traffickers/fraudsters,   recommended a maximum charge of PKR200. No solution was
        as  they  were  able  to  get  new  SIMs  after  disowning  old  SIMs   proposed  for addressing  legitimate  complaints  from genuine
        that were used for grey traffic or fraud. On the financial impact   customers, for example resulting from the illegal sale of SIMs on
        of these practices, the PTA notes that ‘significant resources and   a user’s Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC). As such, the
        cost’ are involved in the sale of SIMs to customers through the   PTA  has  invited  comments  from  stakeholders  and  the  general
        Biometric Verification System (BVS) and that the expenses have   public on the matter. (January 26, 2023)
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