Page 118 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        Oi signed an exclusivity agreement relating   Participacoes  Multiestrategia  and  other   news,  Oi  has  confirmed  that  its  FTTH
        to the sale of its fibre-optic InfraCo unit in   investment  funds managed or  controlled   network is now available in a total of 277
        January 2021. The contract was signed with   by  the  BTG  Group. InfraCo  was  renamed   towns and cities, and passes a total of 19
        Globenet Cabos Submarinos, BTG Pactual   V.tal in November 2021 and the transaction   million homes.
        Economia Real Fundo de Investimento em   belatedly  closed  in  June  2022.  In  other

        EC Outlines Digital Targets

        The  European  Commission  (EC)  detailed   infrastructure across Europe. In a statement,   and access to technology as fundamental
        plans  and  objectives  to bolster its  digital   the EC explained the digital decade policy   to the continent’s ambitions. To make this
        goals,  stating  its  next  steps  will  shine  a   program will  guide  the  European  (EU)   possible, the EC will develop KPIs to monitor
        spotlight on the related economy and public   member states to achieve their ambitions   progress  in  the  coming months.  It  stated
        services,  technological  skills  and  network   by 2030. The EC highlighted four key areas:   EU member  states  are  expected  to  hand
                                             improving citizens’ digital skills; deploying   in a “national strategic roadmap” detailing
                                             emerging technologies including cloud and   policies and actions to support the digital
                                             AI  for  enterprise;  advancing  network  and   goals  in  October  2023.  Additionally,  the
                                             data  infrastructure;  and  digitizing  public   EC  emphasized  the  importance  of “multi-
                                             services  and  administrative  processes.   country projects” to advance investments in
                                             “These  targets  embody  the  policy  digital infrastructure spanning technologies
                                             program’s  objectives”,  the  EC  claimed,   including 5G and quantum computing. The
                                             citing  a secure  and  competitive  digital   EC  is  scheduled  to  publish  its  first  digital
                                             environment, fair online business practices   decade report in June.

        FCC Passes Plan to Create Space Bureau

        The   US    Federal  Communications  the  FCC  and  help  the  agency  navigate”   for competition  in  delivering  satellite
        Commission  (FCC)  moved  forward  on  a   the latest “global communications policy”.   broadband  services  and  modernizing
        plan  to carve out a separate  organization   It  will  address  non-government  satellite   spectrum policy.  The  FCC  previously
        to better support  the  growing  satellite   programs  and  improve  coordination  with   also  proposed  new  rules  for de-orbiting
        industry after unanimous approval  by   other agencies on issues related to space.   satellites to tackle debris.
        Commissioners. A proposal to establish the   FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel noted the
        Space  Bureau  and  a  standalone  Office  of   regulatory frameworks for licensing  the
        International Affairs was made by the FCC   satellite  industry have not kept  up with
        late in 2022 by eliminating the regulator’s   fast growth. The regulator added the next
        International Bureau. In a statement issued   step will be to seek government and other
        on 9 January, the FCC explained the Office   necessary approvals for the reorganization.
        of International Affairs will focus on global   It  explained  the move is  the  latest  in  a
        communications regulation  and  licensing.   space-based  agenda  which also involved
        The Space Bureau “will better support the   taking  action to speed  up regulatory
        needs  of  the  growing  satellite  industry,   review  processes,  increase  the  size  of  its
        promote long-term technical  capacity  at   satellite division, foster new opportunities

        Canada Megadeal Threatened Again as Regulator Digs-In

        Canada’s Federal Court of Appeal granted   attempt to block the deal, the Competition   the operators have long-claimed would be
        a temporary suspension  of a tribunal’s   Bureau  Canada  announced  yesterday  (2   beneficial  to  consumers  and  businesses
        decision  to  clear  the  acquisition  of   January)  it  had  secured  an  emergency   in the country, a position strongly disputed
        Shaw  Communications  by  rival  Rogers   interim  suspension  of an  order  made by   by  the  country’s  competition  regulator.  In
        Communications,  giving  time  for  the   the Competition Tribunal until its “request   an  attempt  to appease  concerns  Shaw’s
        country’s competition authority to challenge   for  a  stay  and  injunction  can  be  heard”.   Freedom  Mobile  is  set  to  be  sold  to
        the  ruling. Having  already  failed  in  an   The  move is  the latest  threat  to a tie-up   Videotron on completion of the main deal.
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