Page 66 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
P. 66


        Marlink Gains SES Satellite Access

        Network  solutions  firm  Marlink  signed  a   mPOWER is an upgrade over the previous   enterprise,  mining, government,  maritime
        multi-million-euro agreement  that will   first-generation   iteration   O3b   MEO,   sectors as well as superyacht customers.
        give its  customers access  to SES’ next-  through its  use  of  software  to  deliver   Customers  in these  segments require
        generation  system  of  satellites.  Under   coverage and speeds  of megabits to   high download speeds and low latency to
        the agreement,  Marlink  customers will   multiple  gigabits per  second.  It  will  be   remain  operational in remote  locations.
        gain access to SES’ medium  earth orbit   augmented  by Marlink’s Smart Network   Marlink  Group  chief  executive Erik
        constellation  (MEO)  of satellites  known   solutions, and in turn, Marlink will be able   Ceuppens said, “At Marlink we are driven
        as  O3b  mPOWER,  enabling  dedicated   to enhance  its  hybrid  network  solutions   by technology  progress and committed
        connectivity  services to customers with   and offer customers differentiated and   to bring the full power of a connected and
        data-intensive needs.  The  system is   secure connectivity  products. Customers   digital  world to  our customers’  remote
        scheduled  to launch  soon and become   earmarked  to  benefit  from  this  deal   workplaces. This is why we are so excited
        operational by  the end of the year.  O3b   are those in  the humanitarian, energy,   to extend our long-term  partnership with
                                                                                 SES and to bring the game changing high-
                                                                                 throughput  low-latency capabilities of
                                                                                 O3b mPOWER as part of Marlink’s Smart
                                                                                 Network solutions to our most demanding
                                                                                 customers in all our market verticals.” SES
                                                                                 CEO  Steve Collar added:  “Fast, flexible
                                                                                 connectivity  represents  an opportunity
                                                                                 for all  businesses  – especially  those
                                                                                 operating  in remote locations.  Marlink’s
                                                                                 customers understand the strategic need
                                                                                 for excellent  connectivity, and the  value
                                                                                 of digitalization.  SES’s  high-throughput,
                                                                                 low-latency data connectivity represents a
                                                                                 future-proof solution for these operators.”

        Anatel Approves Satellite Applications from LEO Firms Starlink, Swarm

        Brazil’s  National  Telecommunications  (LEO)  satellite system  comprising 4,408   was  awarded  to Swarm Brazil Satelites,
        Agency    (Agencia   Nacional   de   satellites operating  in the  Ku- and Ka-  expires  on 7  September  2035.  Swarm’s
        Telecomunicacoes,  Anatel) has  issued   bands for the provision of a fixed-satellite   constellation  will  comprise  150  satellites
        Starlink Brazil  Holding a  license  granting   service constellation.  The company’s   in non-geostationary  orbit. The  company
        it  ‘satellite exploration rights.  Starlink,   license  runs until  28  March  2027.  A   seeks to  provide bidirectional  data
        which is  backed  by  Elon  Musk’s  SpaceX   second application – by California-based   transmission services for telemetry  and
        venture, intends  to deploy  and operate   Swarm Technologies – was also approved   telecommand oriented to IoT applications.
        a  non-geostationary Low Earth Orbit   by  the watchdog.  The concession, which

        SpaceX Lands in Tonga to Reconnect Island

        Elon Musk’s satellite company SpaceX is   launching  satellites  and delivering high-  last  month  by sending  Starlink terminals
        aiding the effort  to restore telecommuni-  speed broadband. The Hunga Tonga-Hun-  to the island. International calling returned
        cations to the island nation of Tonga after   ga Ha’apai volcano  eruption  destroyed   to  the  nation  last  month,  confirmed  by
        the country was struck by the after-effects   Tonga’s only fibre optic cable connecting   Digicel, but only 400 calls could be made
        of a volcanic eruption. Fiji's Attorney-Gen-  to  the internet and the rest  of the world   at one time. SpaceX joined a host of com-
        eral Aiyaz  Sayed-Khaiyum  posted on so-  was  greatly  damaged  by the  eruption  on   panies offering assistance to Tonga. Intel-
        cial media that the SpaceX team is in Fiji   Jan 15. It also caused a tsunami that de-  sat joined with Australian operator Telstra
        to set up a Starlink gateway station to re-  stroyed villages and coated the capital city   and New Zealand operator Spark to deploy
        connect Tonga, reported Reuters. Starlink   Nuku'alofa in ash. Tesla founder and CEO   emergency  communications to  support
        is a division of SpaceX and is tasked with   Elon Musk  offered assistance on Twitter   aid workers.

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