Page 45 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
P. 45



        Global Connectivity Essential During and After the Pandemic

                                             With  MEA  markets  experiencing similar   the development  of a  healthy internet
                                             trends,  the global ICT community is   ecosystem to enrich the region.
                                             supporting increased  connectivity  by
                                             boosting the region’s digital infrastructure.  “As the only operator from Asia investing
                                                                                 in  2Africa,  our subsea cable resources
        The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated   Connecting MEA to Asia and beyond   are vital to connecting Africa to Asia and
        digital transformation for companies and   At the forefront of this push in MEA is CMI,   beyond,” Colin said.
        organizations in the Middle East and Africa   the China  Mobile subsidiary  responsible
        (MEA).  China Mobile  International (CMI)   for international business. CMI continues   “We are committed to
        is expanding its network infrastructure to   to invest and innovate to bring high-quality
        connect  MEA  and the world, promoting   communications services and solutions to   a digital  future where
        global  connectivity  and helping  shape  a   MEA to create a more connected world.  telecommunications   is
        better digital future.
                                             “We are committed to a  digital  future   a bridge  that increases
        Reliable global  connectivity  positions   where telecommunications is a bridge that   economic competitiveness
        companies and organizations to transform   increases economic competitiveness  and
        and better support their business functions   promotes better quality  of  life for people   and promotes better quality
        within  the MEA  region  and across  their   in urban and rural communities across the   of  life for  people  in  urban
        other  global locations.  At  the same time,   globe. That’s why we are here,” Colin Wang,   and  rural  communities
        the COVID-19 crisis has changed the way   Managing Director of CMI  MEA Region
        companies do business and touched every   said.                             across the globe.  That’s
        aspect of daily life. Global connectivity has                               why we are here,”
        become more essential than ever, enabling   2Africa is a key part of this future vision.
        remote  working, distance  learning  and   The  longest  subsea cable  in the  world,   Colin Wang
        telehealth,  and  facilitating  personal  2Africa will  be over 45,000 kilometers   Managing  Director  of CMI
        communication   and    entertainment  in  length once  completed  in  2023/2024,   MEA Region
        services.                            connecting  33 countries  across three
                                             continents:  Africa, Europe  and Asia.  As
        In MEA, demand for digital services  is   a partner in the 2Africa  consortium, CMI   CMI has built global ICT infrastructure that
        accelerating  across all sectors  of the   is  helping bring seamless international   spans cables,  points of presence  (PoPs)
        economy.   Pandemic-related  changes  connectivity and new opportunities directly   and data centers, with a total international
        and MEA  companies’ ambition to  attract   to 3 billion people, representing 36% of the   transmission bandwidth  of more than
        foreign investment are combining to put   global population.             105T at the end of 2021, up 18% over 2020.
        further  focus  on digital transformation,                               2Africa will help CMI further connect its 31
        driving high demand  for cloud  solutions   With  MEA  increasingly looking beyond   PoPs around the Arabian Sea with its local
        and collaboration applications.      the pandemic,  2Africa creates  unique   ring in Europe and self-owned data centers
                                             connectivity  to enrich  the region’s  links   in London and Frankfurt. It will also extend
        Gartner is  predicting  that  over 95% of   with the  world.  The cable  system has   connectivity to Asia via its existing subsea
        new digital  workloads will  be deployed   46  landing locations,  directly linking the   cable resources: SEA-ME-WE 5 and AAE-1.
        on cloud-native platforms by 2025,   African continent to the Persian Gulf, India
        up from 30% in 2021, and that remote   and Pakistan,  and four key  countries in   In this way, CMI is creating a transnational
        employees will make up a sizeable portion   Europe, and onward to Asia. This coverage   ICT superhighway that will  help  it
        of the global workforce. More than  30%   is important, since  businesses and   deliver  enhanced  capacity and  improved
        of workers  worldwide are expected to  be   organizations will now have fair and easy   service quality  to  drive intelligent  digital
        working remotely at least part of the time   access to ample capacity in each landing   transformation around the world.
        this year.                           location,  encouraging and supporting

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