Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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                         Following the publication of determinations regarding   for the frequencies – this is payable by 15 December
                         the assignment of frequencies in the 2600MHz band   each  year.  Similar  filings  were  made  by  both  Digi
                         by  the Malaysian  Communications and Multimedia   Telecommunications  (2560MHz-2570MHz/2680MHz-
                         Commission  (MCMC) in May 2021, operators  have   2690MHz) and Maxis (2510MHz-2520MHz/2630MHz-
        Malaysia         now  confirmed  their  acceptance  of  these  spectrum   2640MHz),  which  both  confirmed  they  will  pay  the
                         allocations,  confirming  the  prices  they  will  pay  in
                                                                        same one-off  and annual fees  for their respective
                         the  process.  In  a  filing  with  the  Bursa  Malaysia,   2×10MHz allocations in the 2600MHz band. Meanwhile,
                         Celcom parent company Axiata Group revealed it had   Telekom Malaysia also issued a statement confirming
                         accepted the MCMC’s offer for a spectrum assignment   that its subsidiary Webe  Digital  had accepted  the
                         (2530MHz-2540MHz/2650MHz-2660MHz),     noting  MCMC’s assignment of an unpaired  20MHz  block  in
                         the Malaysian  cellco  had made  an upfront payment   the 2600MHz  band (2575MHz-2595MHz).  Telekom
                         of MYR11.76  million (USD13.3  million) for these   Malaysia  noted that it has paid an upfront fee  of
                         frequencies.  Further,  Axiata  also  confirmed  that   MYR7.06 million for the frequencies,  with the annual
                         Celcom’s spectrum assignment will become valid from   fee component to be paid throughout the assignment
                         1 July 2022 and be valid for five years, while noting an   period being MYR5.98 million.
                         annual fee of MYR20.76  million  will  also  be payable   (February 14, 2022)

                         The  Federal Telecommunications  Institute (Instituto   The telecoms  regulator  indicated a  long-awaited
                         Federal  de  Telecomunicaciones,  IFT)  has  confirmed   auction of 5G licenses is due to take place in 2022, after
                         that it has authorized  America Movil (AM)-backed   it was added to the work program for the coming twelve
                         Telcel to introduce 5G technology. In order to facilitate   months. The Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones
        Mexico           the company’s 5G ambitions, the watchdog has agreed   (IFT) said its Programa Anual de Trabajo 2022 includes
                         to modify 18 fixed wireless access (FWA) concessions   plans to auction off 5G-enabling frequencies  in the
                         held  by Radiomovil Dipsa (Telcel)  for mobile  use. In   600MHz, 3.3GHz and 3.5GHz bands, along with the L
                         addition, the IFT has opted to switch the telco’s existing   band (1500MHz  range).  An auction  was  expected  to
                         3450MHz-3550MHz spectrum holdings for 3350MHz-  take place in the second half of 2020, but was delayed
                         3450MHz frequencies to avoid interference issues. As   by  Covid-19  (coronavirus). In  December  2021,  AT&T
                         a result of licensing tweaks, Telcel will be obliged to pay   Mexico pressed ahead with the launch of 5G services,
                         the government an annual usage fee of MXN900 million   reportedly using  its  existing license  in  the 2.5GHz
                         (USD43.9 million). Going forward, the regulator expects   band. The IFT will no doubt be hoping the 5G tender
                         Telcel to ‘put into operation the largest 5G commercial   will be more successful than an auction of unused 4G
                         network in Latin  America’.  TeleGeography  notes that   frequencies  conducted  in October  2021.  At  the time,
                         chief rival AT&T Mexico is the country’s other 3.5GHz   only AT&T Mexico and Telcel submitted bids, picking up
                         spectrum holder. The 3550MHz-3600MHz concession   800MHz and 2.5GHz frequencies respectively. Blocks
                         – which was inherited via the 2015 takeover of Nextel   in  the 1700MHz/2100MHz  and 1900MHz  bands, as
                         Mexico – was renewed on 1 January 2020, for a period   well as other 800MHz allocations, went unsold.
                         of 20 years. It is unclear if AT&T is awaiting further IFT   (February 4, 2022)
                         action before it can use the frequencies to launch 5G
                         mobile services. (February 13, 2022)

                         The Senate (First  Chamber [Eerste Kamer]  of   regulation  amendments;  further  lowering  barriers  for
                         Parliament) has  approved a  bill  to  complete  the   subscribers to switch providers; and new powers for
                         country’s  implementation of the European Electronic   the government to obtain data about the geographical
                         Communications Code (EECC) via amendments to the   coverage  of networks. Despite  the EC opening
        The              Telecommunications  Act. The Senate  Committee  on   infringement  procedures  against  24  EU  countries
                                                                        including the Netherlands for failing to enact the EECC
                         Economic  Affairs  issued  a  final  report  on  8  February
        Netherlands      2022 stating that the bill will be passed as a ‘hamerstuk’   in February 2021, the Dutch government did not publish
                         (‘hammer  document’)  which does not require further   proposals for implementing the remainder of the EECC
                         debate  or voting,  on  15 February 2022.  The  House   until 22 June  2021, requiring  parliamentary scrutiny
                         of Representatives (Second  Chamber  of Parliament)   before subsequent adoption. The EECC aims to support
                         had passed the proposal on 28 October  2021.   the objective of  universal  broadband internet  access
                         TeleGeography’s GlobalComms  Database notes  that   set out in European Gigabit Society action plans, while
                         the EECC was due to be transposed by 21 December   strengthening  the functioning  of the EU  electronic
                         2020 but on  that date the  Netherlands  transposed   communications  market, promoting competition
                         only selected  aspects of the Code  covering:  access   between  providers and improving the position  of
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