Page 111 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 111


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        The  Telecoms  Minister  Brahim  Boumzar  has  stated  that  5G   the time is right, we will launch 5G.’ He also expressed concerns
        development  is  not an immediate national priority, as  the   that a switch to 5G – with 4G coverage remaining weak – could
        government is instead focused on improving 4G mobile services   even accentuate the digital divide in the country and harm the
        for the population. Speaking  in  a  radio interview on 14  March,   digital  transformation ambitions promoted by  the government.
        Boumzar called the existing quality of 4G service ‘poor’, adding:   TeleGeography says that Algeria’s commercial introduction of 4G
        ‘For  the  moment,  the  essential  thing  is  to  offer  a  respectable   LTE services took place in October 2016 – less than three years
        [service] to our citizens. First, we have to offer good 4G and at the   after  its  launch  of  3G  –  and  whilst  the  combined  4G  network
        right time we can move on to other generations.’ He also argued   footprint  of the country’s three  cellcos  Mobilis, Djezzy and
        that cellcos need enough time to get financial returns from their 4G   Ooredoo has reached a presence in all 48 provinces, significant
        networks, which were launched little over four years ago, saying:   improvements  are  still  required,  evidenced  by  regulatory  fines
        ‘the operators should also manage to amortize their investments.’   issued to the trio in 2020 for unsatisfactory 4G coverage.
        The minister continued: ‘Our current facilities are 5G-ready. When   (March 13, 2021) Agence Ecofin


        Bahrain  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority  (TRA)  has   promote effective communication  with  an aim  of promoting
        signed a cooperation agreement with the Arab Centre for Dispute   a broader  understanding  of policies  relating  to the latest
        Resolution (ACDR). The agreement aims to organize and manage   developments in intellectual property law and the resolution of
        disputes  relating  to  the  domain  names  '.BH'  and  '.Albahrain'   disputes over domain names. It is noteworthy that ICANN, a non-
        Internationalized Domain Name (IDN). On this occasion, Director   profit organization, includes participants from around the world
        of Technical  and Operations of the Telecommunications   seeking to preserve the security, stability and interoperability of
        Regulatory Authority of the Kingdom of Bahrain Eng. Mohamed   the online community, and has worked towards building domain
        Alnoaimi stated “TRA signed this agreement with the Arab Centre   name dispute settlement guidelines. (March 13, 2021)
        for Dispute Resolution to settle disputes resulting from the use
        of domain names. This will have a positive impact in making the   Bahrain’s National Action Charter has contributed tremendously
        domain name for the Kingdom of Bahrain trusted and reliable.”   to boosting  the  kingdom’s ICT sector, Mohammed  Ali Al Qaed,
        Mrs.  Majd  Khaddash, Director of  the Centre, outlined  that  the   Chief  Executive of Information & eGovernment  (iGA), has said.
        agreement provides partnership between the two parties in the   Congratulating His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and
        field of managing disputes carried out by the authority, specifically   the  Crown Prince and Prime Minister, HRH  Prince  Salman bin
        in relation to the domain names ".BH" and “Albahrain", whereby   Hamad  Al Khalifa  on the 20-year anniversary  of the National
        the Centre shall coordinate with complainants, respondents and   Action  Charter, Al Qaed said  that  the anniversary  recalls the
        registrars to complete the necessary documents for filing cases,   achievements of the kingdom made possible thanks to the vision
        in addition  to the panelists adopted  by  the Centre.  The Centre   of HM  the King, including  accomplishments  in the ICT  sector
        provides services in the areas of domain names attributable to   and  its  unprecedented  development  over  the past  few  years.
        dispute management, and was approved by ICANN on the 18th   This is  in addition  to the supporting decrees and legislations
        of May, 2013. She added that ACDR maintains a leading position   that contributed to the readiness of the country’s technological
        when it  comes  to  implementing the Uniform Domain-Name   infrastructure, and enhanced its ability to meet various challenges,
        Dispute  Resolution  Policy (UDRP), along  with its supplemental   including the current circumstances. Al Qaed highlighted some of
        rules. The Centre aims to provide the adequate and reliable support   the kingdom’s most notable digital transformation achievements
        to reinforce  guidelines,  procedures and format for disputes   during the pandemic, including  providing over 500  round-the-
        resolution  process,  in  addition  to  cases involving inaccurate   clock  eServices via  the National Portal,,  and the
        registrations carried out in bad faith. The Centre also seeks to   launching  of  the  BeAware  Bahrain  app,  following  the  vision  of

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