Page 10 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 10


        Q.  How is  stc investing  in technology   coverage and KSA is ranked among the   paradigm of industrial innovation known
        to  help enable your  future business   best 5G networks globally.       as “Industry 4.0”. Across the world, leading
        growth  and  if you  could  share some key   •  stc has recently  won a number  of   industrial  firms  are  driving  innovation  in
        achievements on the technology front and   awards for 5G technology such as three   developing private 5G networks designed
        its impact on your business?           international awards  at  the 5G  MENA   specifically to address the challenges they
        A.  Technology is  not only an  enabler  but   summit.                   face, including supply chain optimization,
        a key source  of strategic  competitive   •  stc is investing heavily in the IT service   plant operations continuity, and safety and
        advantage for stc. Improvement in Global   and is the market leader in KSA.   workforce well-being.
        Competitiveness  Index  (GCI) is a clear   •  stc has successfully  connected more
        target in KSA Vision 2030  and Saudi   than 2 million households  with high   These innovations in 5G Campus Networks
        Arabia has been consistently improving its   quality fiber (FTTH) technology.   are primed for massive growth in adoption
        position. Saudi Arabia jumped up by three   •  stc is  also investing heavily  in IoT   and provide a unique strategic opportunity
        positions in the global ranking (36th rank).   use cases, cloud  services,  and data   for  stc  to  expand  our  B2B  portfolios,
        Among the G20 economies references by   analytics capabilities.  These  areas are   strengthen  our  foothold  in the enterprise
        the WEF, Saudi Arabia is a top digital riser.  strategic growth areas for stc.   market, and capture significant economic
                                             •  stc’s  digital  transformation  efforts   value from high margin value propositions.
        Investment in ICT has been  the biggest   have shown  great success  during   Similar to the Telcos around the world, stc
        contributor in KSA’s GCI improvement and   Covid-19 pandemic. Our ability to serve   is  also  taking  aggressive action  to  seize
        stc’s investment in technology in the past   customers through digital channels and   the 5G Campus Networks opportunity. We
        few years.                             continue  operations  through  remote   are partnering  with enterprise  customers
                                               working has been  an exceptional   and solution  providers to explore use
        Digital transformation  in one  of  the four   success. This has  only been  possible   cases that  will  shape value propositions
        pillars  of  stc’s  dare  strategy.  In  addition   due  to our  investments  in digital   in this area. Below are the use cases we
        to  developing new ways  of  working   transformation.                   are  exploring as  combination  with  our
        and building human capabilities, our   •  stc’s investments in Fintech – stc Pay   Smart  5G  Campus offering. Machine to
        fundamental focus is on building the right   – are creating significant value and the   Machine (M2M) and Machine to X (M2X)
        technology  platforms that will  enable   business scale is growing.     Communication,  Smart  Helmet , and
        agile operations, world class customer                                   Predictive Maintenance.
        experience  and become  a  growth engine   Going forward, stc will continue to enrich
        for new digital services.            people's lives as  our  main brand  and   These  are just a few examples  of the
                                             to invest in new technologies, and will   innovative use cases being  developed
        In summary:                          play a significant role in the development   for Smart 5G Campus  Networks that
        •  stc has  maintained its  technology   of the Kingdom’s  mega projects such   illustrate the massive potential for 5G in
          leadership  position in the region and   as  NEOM,  the  Red Sea project, and   empowering the evolution of Industry 4.0.
          launched  the  first  commercial  5G   other  entertainment,  transport,  and  Many more applications and use cases are
          network  in the region.  Since then,   infrastructure   projects.   Building   the   being  developed across the ecosystem
          we  have  significantly  invested  in  5G   underlying  smart technologies that will   to  address  challenges  inhibiting  the next
                                             facilitate the attractiveness of these mega   industrial transformation.
           Digital  transformation  in       projects for foreign investment.
           one of the four pillars of stc’s                                      To  continue its  pioneering  role in
           dare strategy. In  addition       Q. Many  telecos are working  on  5G for   unlocking potentials of new technologies,
                                                                                 stc  is  investing  in  its  LAB  as  well  as
                                             business to business. What is your input
           to  developing  new  ways         on this?                            its  Technology Innovation  Center (TIC)
           of  working  and  building        A.  5G  technology  promises  significant   to create the foundation  needed  for
           human  capabilities,  our         benefits and breakthroughs that sparked an   validating and developing new use cases
                                                                                 that leverage the capabilities of the latest
                                             unprecedented wave of innovation in many
           fundamental        focus     is   different domains  and applications.  The   technologies such as 5G, edge computing,
           on    building     the    right   combination  of unprecedented wireless   Artificial  intelligence  (AI),  Blockchain,
                                                                                 and Internet of Things (IoT).  In  addition,
                                             network speed,  extremely low  latency,
           technology          platforms     and features like edge cloud and network   stc  LAB  and  stc  TIC  serve  as  a  platform
           that  will  enable  agile         slicing and virtualization can transform the   for collaborations with  universities  and
                                                                                 research and  development  (R&D) centers
                                             ways in which data is generated, collected
           operations,  world  class         and used.                           across  the Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia  to
           customer  experience  and                                             help  students  unleash  their  innovation
           become  a growth  engine          The opportunities these developments   abilities and create the next generation of
                                                                                 innovators and job creators.
                                             present to  the industrial world  are truly
           for new digital services.         transformative,  and are driving a new   .

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