Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
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        The National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Egypt   of  imposing  a  fine  was  made  based  on  a  report  drafted  by  the
        (NTRA)  imposed  a  fine  of  EGP  20  million  on  Telecom  Egypt   committee. Furthermore,  the  technical  committee will  carry  on
        upon monitoring a breakdown in  telecom infrastructure and   work with internet service providers to have a clear image about
        disconnection  of  voice  and  internet  services  across  different   how impactful  such  a  breakdown was  on  services, and  take
        areas on Tuesday, December 5, 2023. Operators were also directed   whatever  actions  necessary  to  protect  users’  rights.  It’s  worth
        by NTRA to provide compensations  for  affected  customers,  in   noting that NTRA affirmed it’s important that all measures must
        accordance with the public compensation rules issued by NTRA   be taken to ensure services are seamlessly provided and avoid any
        to operators, to ensure that  users’ rights  are protected  in  case   network breakdowns that put users at the risk of being harmed. As
        of  service-breakdowns.  NTRA  had  urgently  formed  a  technical   pointed out by NTRA, measures should be also taken to meet the
        committee once the breakdown occurred, to determine its causes,   users’ needs, protect their rights and raise their level of satisfaction
        range of impact, time duration, as well as the areas affected, until   with the services utilized.
        service was properly restored to all areas. Meanwhile, the decision   (December 8, 2023)


        Chief  Commissioner  of the  Telecommunications  Regulatory   to intensify market competition and address prevailing regulatory
        Commission  Bassam  Al-Sarhan  has  said  that  the  three  main   challenges,  ultimately  facilitating  superior service offerings
        telecom operators in the Kingdom had been referred to the Public   to  end-users.  In  light  of  the  initial  tariff  increments  initiated  by
        Prosecutor, an action initiated by the Minister of Industry, Trade,   these  companies,  the  Commission,  adhering  to its  regulatory
        and Supply. Al-Sarhan indicated that the action follows allegations   mandate, had formally requested a reversal of these price hikes.
        of  anticompetitive  behavior,  specifically  a  purported  implicit   Despite  the  Commission's  efforts  focused on  safeguarding
        collusion to elevate prepaid cellular service plan rates, coupled with   consumer  interests  and  ensuring  market  stability, compliance
        the introduction of additional fees for cash top-up services at their   from the telecom operators was not forthcoming. This prompted
        respective retail outlets. This referral action is a response to the   a  collaborative  investigation  with  the  Ministry  of Industry  and
        operators' non-compliance with previous directives to amend these   Trade  into potential  antitrust  violations.  After a  comprehensive
        practices, constituting a potential breach of antitrust regulations as   review, the decision to proceed with a formal referral to the Public
        stipulated in the Competition Law. Reinforcing the Commission's   Prosecutor was finalized. Al-Sarhan reiterated the Commission’s
        commitment to consumer protection and competitive fairness in   unwavering dedication to enhancing competitive dynamics among
        the telecom sector, Al-Sarhan underlined the imperative of ensuring   telecom  providers,  advocating  for a  market  environment  that
        access to high-quality telecommunications services at equitable   upholds  service  excellence  and  price  reasonability.  He  affirmed
        prices. He further indicated the Commission's strategy to introduce   the  Commission's  readiness  to engage  in  open  dialogue  with
        regulatory reforms, including  proposed  amendments  to the   all  relevant  entities,  striving  to establish  a robust, competitive
        existing  telecommunications  law.  These  amendments,  intended   landscape  that  propels  the  telecommunications sector  forward.
        for legislative review in the upcoming Parliamentary session, aim   (December 25, 2023)


        The Public-Private Partnership Projects Authority, in collaboration   development  project.  This  initiative  aligns  with  the  provisions
        with  the  Ministry  of  Transportation,  has  invited  specialized   outlined in Law No. 116 of 2014, which pertains to partnerships
        companies and alliances, both local and international (excluding   between  the  public and private  sectors,  and  its  accompanying
        entities  licensed  by the  Communications and  Information   executive  regulations.  The  fixed  telecommunications  network
        Technology  Regulatory  Authority  or  its  affiliates),  to  submit   development  project seeks  to establish  a collaborative venture
        qualification applications for the fixed telecommunications network   between  the  public  and  private  sectors  with  the  overarching

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