Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
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                         The  National  Broadcasting  and  Telecommunications   99 per cent and 90 per cent, respectively. The regulator
                         Commission  (NBTC)  determined  True  Corp met  the   added  a number of conditions aimed at  protecting
                         two major conditions set before its tie-up with dtac in   consumers to  the  controversial  deal,  which  created
                         March, with the operator lowered tariffs and improved   the  largest  mobile  operator in  the  country  with  51.4
        Thailand         coverage. NBTC found in random checks True reduced   million subscribers. Previous market leader AIS ended
                         prices by an average of 12 per cent and maintained the
                                                                        September with 44.4 million. True faces a lawsuit filed
                         same number of base stations it operated before the   by a consumer group, after the country’s highest court
                         merger, with signal quality unchanged. Last month True   ordered a lower bench to accept the case against the
                         said it aims to decommission 1,800 sites where there   regulator for allowing the merger to proceed.
                         is  duplication  of  coverage  by  year-end.  The  operator   (December 20, 2023) Bangkok Post
                         claimed both 4G and 5G coverage improved to above

                          A  record-breaking  17  million  UK  homes  now  have   may also  be a lack of awareness  of the  speeds
                          access  to  full-fiber  broadband,  according  to  Ofcom’s   available in different areas.  “Full-fiber coverage of 57
                          latest  Connected Nations  report. Analysis  indicates   percent means we are lagging behind other European
                          that  providers  experience  fewer  faults  on  their  fiber   countries such as  Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Norway,
        United            networks, contributing to a smoother online experience   and France. Further progress is needed to support the
                          for users  engaged  in  activities  like  gaming,  working,
                                                                        nation’s  current  and future digital  demands.” Ofcom’s
        Kingdom           and video calling. Notably, full-fiber broadband is now   report also notes a significant reduction in the number
                          available to over half of homes in all four UK nations.   of  homes  and  businesses  lacking  access  to  ‘decent’
                          Northern  Ireland  leads  the  pack,  with  91  percent  of   broadband, dropping by 27 percent to 61,000 premises.
                          homes  capable  of  accessing  full  fiber.  The  adoption   Approximately  11,000  of these  are  expected  to be
                          of  full-fiber broadband  is not uniform  across regions.   connected through publicly funded schemes next year,
                          Rural areas are outpacing their urban counterparts, with   demonstrating  ongoing progress  in  connecting  the
                          a nearly double take-up rate (49% compared to 25%).   nation. “While the reduction in premises without access
                          This  surge  in  availability  bodes  well  for millions  of   to decent broadband has fallen, 61,000 homes without
                          people and businesses, ensuring faster, more reliable,   access to even the most basic speeds is still too many.
                          and  future-proof  internet  connectivity.  “The  rapid  rise   The  devil  is  also  in  the  details  when  it  comes to  the
                          in availability of full-fibre broadband is good news for   definition of ‘decent’ broadband. Speeds of just 10Mb
                          people  and  businesses  across  the  UK, with  millions   can be frustratingly slow in the modern age of remote
                          more able to benefit from fast, reliable and future-proof   working, HD streaming, and online gaming,” adds Tofts.
                          internet,”  said  Lindsey  Fussell,  Ofcom’s  Network  and   “The Universal Service Obligation should be reviewed to
                          Communications Group Director. “When the time comes   better understand the needs of broadband customers
                          to take out a new broadband contract, we encourage   and  push  towards  closing  the  digital  divide  between
                          people to shop around and find out what options are   urban and rural locations. Superfast speeds of at least
                          available  to make  sure  they  are  on  the  best  package   30Mb should be considered the new normal.” Satellite
                          for  their  needs.”  However,  some  experts  highlight   broadband  is  also  on  the  rise,  with  around  42,000
                          the need to read between the lines. “The reported 1.7   UK customers now connected to Starlink’s  satellite
                          million  new  full-fiber  consumer  connections  suggest   service. Outside of premises, 5G coverage by at least
                          growing  demand,  but  take-up  rates  of  28  percent   one operator has surged to over 85 percent—a notable
                          are still relatively modest. The industry needs to take   increase from the previous year’s 67 percent. While 5G
                          a  closer  look  at  why that  might  be  and  uncover  the   traffic has experienced 140 percent growth, 4G remains
                          reasons  behind  this  slow  adoption,”  comments Alex   dominant, representing over 80 percent of total mobile
                          Tofts,  broadband  expert  at  Broadband  Genie.  “We   traffic  and  offering  coverage  outside  more  than  98
                          know that some full-fiber packages can be expensive,   percent of UK premises.
                          and in a cost-of-living crisis, this is a big factor. There   (December 19, 2023)

                          The  House  of  Representatives  passed  Senator   was  allowed  to  lapse).  Previously, the  Senate  passed
                          John  Kennedy’s 5G  Spectrum  Authority Licensing   Kennedy’s legislation this September. Senator Kennedy
                          Enforcement  (SALE) Act on  11  December.  The  bill   commented: ‘I’m thankful that the House has sent this
                          grants  the  Federal  Communications  Commission   bill  to  the  president’s  desk  so  that  the  job  providers
        United            (FCC) a one-time, temporary authority to issue licenses   who depend on wireless communications in Louisiana
                                                                        and across  America  can continue to support rural
                          purchased in auctions that were held before 9 March
        States            2023 (i.e. when the FCC’s spectrum auction authority   economies. My 5G SALE Act provides Americans with

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