Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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accessible, ubiquitous and reliable ICT services that Telecommunications Union (ITU) in June 2020
support an inclusive digital economy.’ revamped its Child Online Protection Guidelines to
(December 1, 2020) incorporate and stay abreast of the ever-changing
ICTs landscape and launched new guidelines which we
The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory are in the process of adopting. “While we are happy to
Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz) has issued guidelines launch these today, we must be cognizant of the fact
that seek to enhance child online safety in the country. that technology is disruptive and evolving, hence we
Child online safety has become important than ever need to sustain these protection mechanisms in line
before in this Covid-19 era, where internet usage has with the International Standards, which means we
increased significantly, and e-learning is becoming will continue launching as and when necessary. “The
the order of the day. Potraz director-general Dr Gift ITU Child Online Protection (COP) guidelines provide
Machengete said children were among some of the a holistic approach to respond to all potential threats
most vulnerable internet users, and there was need and harms children and young people may encounter
to ensure that they were protected. “While the internet online. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect
has brought about convenience owing to rapid digital children from these harms. Close monitoring would
transformation, it has also brought about a plethora of minimize issues of abuse, neglect, discrimination
challenges,” said Dr Machengete in a speech read on and exploitation of children. Dr. Machengete said the
his behalf by the authority’s head of consumer affairs newly developed COP guidelines were important for all
and publicity George Manyanya. “Children are exposed stakeholders to utilise for the benefit of children who
to various vulnerabilities and there has been an were increasingly joining online services. “Remember,
increase in the misuse of technology. Several children these children are more vulnerable online since they
are accessing various sites even without their parents’ are young and have little experiences,” he said. “It
consent. “We are providing these gadgets to children, is important to appreciate that some children are
but they are accessing sites like tinder, house party, especially vulnerable, particularly migrant children or
Instagram, Facebook and tik-tok even without their children living with a form of disability.” It is estimated
parents or guardian’s consent. Some are exploited by that at least one third of all Internet users today are
others and become victims, leading to cyberbullying, children and young people, and UNICEF estimates that
cyberstalking and cybergrooming.” He added: “Owing 71 percent of young people are already online.
to the need to protect children online, The International (December 1, 2020)
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have been obtained from sources, which we deem reliable. SAMENA Telecommunications Council is not liable for any misinformed decisions that the
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96 DECEMBER 2020