Page 9 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
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                                       SAMENA COUNCIL ACTIVITY

        SAMENA Council Hails Regional Policy & Regulatory Measures on Spectrum

        Availability; Emphasizes on Spectrum Policies that Transcend Short-term

                                                               connectivity is pointing to the likelihood that more spectrum for
                                                               both licensed  and unlicensed  services will  indeed  be needed.
                                                               To tread the next decade,  we need  to enshrine  affordability of
                                                               Spectrum  into national ICT policies  and address the  issue of
                                                               license fees, opening up multiple spectrum bands, and extending
                                                               duration of licenses for Operators. It is a pleasure for SAMENA
                                                               Council to be a part of the CITC's endeavors in developing a five-
                                                               year spectrum roadmap for commercial and innovative use, and
                                                               to make more than 10 GHz of spectrum available in Saudi Arabia
                                                               for innovative uses by 2024. This is a very progressive regulatory
                                                               enablement step for Operators, and it will set a new precedence in
                                                               the SA-ME-NA region."

        SAMENA Telecommunications Council, presenting its views and   Drawing the attention  of the regional  Policymakers and
        recommendations  during  the ITU and CITC collaborated  “Radio   Regulators on key considerations, SAMENA Council mentioned a
        Spectrum  for IMT-2020  and Beyond:  Fostering  Commercial   string of efforts throughout the year 2020, including the Leaders'
        and Innovative Use”  event,  emphasized  on  adopting  spectrum   Summit 2020 and the ITU's recent Private Sector and Ministerial
        management  approaches  in the larger interest  of the Industry   Roundtables,  during  which  collaboration  between  the  Private
        and sustainability  of digitization efforts  in the long  run. The   Sector  and Governments  was  pressed  upon  to achieve nation-
        discussions of the ITU-CITC webinar focused on future-oriented   specific  as  well  as  global  milestones  of  achieving  Universal
        spectrum  policy  development  to  ensure  business certainty   Digital Access and to accelerate the pace of digital development
        and  investment,  exploring  the  future  potential  of  5G,  vehicular   and overcoming  digital divides  by  encourage  cross-industry
        communication  systems,  unlicensed  wireless  technologies,   collaboration.  As  spectrum  is  crucial  in  this  regard,  SAMENA
        satellite  communications,  and  other  developments  emerging   Council  re-emphasized  on the  need  to (1) do more of what
        within the ICT sector. The webinar also stressed on the need for   has  worked  well  throughout  the  COVID-19  crisis,  (2)  consider
        multilateral  cooperation  in  spectrum  management,  allocation,   temporary  spectrum awards  during Covid  times  for permanent
        and harmonization in line with the ITU’s standards and guidelines.  allocation, (3) think beyond short-term revenue-generation from
                                                               spectrum awards, (4) address spectrum needs of both Terrestrial
        SAMENA  Council,  represented  by  Bocar  BA,  CEO  &  Board   and Satellite Operators, (5) rethink taxation and license fees, (6)
        Member, delivered a keynote message, reiterating how innovative   award as much contiguous spectrum as possible, (7) prioritize the
        and effective policy and regulatory solutions  and enabling   release of unallocated portions of 600 MHz, 700 MHz and 800 MHz
        measures,  which  have  been  key  to  setting  the  foundations  for   spectrum; and release of 3.8 – 4.2 GHz frequencies, (8) consider
        digital  transformation,  remain  absolutely  essential  to  building   deferred payment facility and extension of spectrum licenses to
        a sustainable  digital future and a  sustainable  digital economy.   25  years,  and  (9)  promptly  tackle  spectrum  interference  issues
        Creating a harmonized spectrum environment through enabling   within the SA-ME-NA region.
        practices,  which  should  incentivize  innovation,  foster  healthy
        competition and regulatory stability, is a challenge that requires,   Through  meaningful  collaboration  with  the  Private  sector,  the
        one, the management of high data growth with additional and/or   Policymakers need  to promote innovation in the commercial
        more efficient use of existing spectrum; two, bringing unlicensed   use  of  spectrum,  by  increasing  access  through  both  licensed
        and/or  shared  spectrum  usage  to  the  equation;  and,  three,   and  unlicensed  approaches,  and  by  ensuring  that  spectrum
        utilizing 4G spectrum to drive 5G. Moreover, hybrid solutions for   management  practices  account  for competitive dimensions
        the provision of connectivity, especially through cooperation with   of the future and tackle the challenges facing 5G+ deployment.
        Terrestrial  and  Satellite  players,  should  also  be  explored.  Such   Each country of the SA-ME-NA region must position itself among
        collaboration  may  boost  fulfillment  of  SDG  9  by  accelerating   the leading nations in unlocking innovative high-performance
        resilient  rural  broadband  infrastructure,  quality  of  service,  and   use  cases,  and  this  first  requires  ensuring  access  to  spectrum
        industrialization.Bocar BA stated: "As a national asset and scarce   resources, fostering advancement of other ICT infrastructure such
        national resource, spectrum  needs  to  be managed to  optimize   as through Fiber proliferation and Cloud adoption, and to enable
        returns to the government while ensuring it contributes an equal,   digital-driven use cases that can contribute to sustainable growth
        if not more, value to the overall national economy. The future of   of the region's digital economy.
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