Page 56 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 56


        The  U.K.  hub  connects  with  CMI's   Strengthening  its  collab-      the  world.  CMI  connects  more  than  400
        Singapore data centre, its Global Network                                operators  through peering  partners, as
        Centre  in  Hong  Kong,  and  its  extensive   oration in the Middle East,   the  true  IPX  hub  for  Asia,  with  the  most
        global mobile communications and cloud   CMI  has established  its       extensive IPX coverage.
        network  infrastructure.  CMI  is  currently   third PoP in Oman enabling
        also  building dedicated  data  centres in                                  "CMI offers  customers
        Frankfurt and other locations.          better  connectivity  within        convenient communication
                                                and between  the  Middle
        Strengthening  its  collaboration  in  the                                  services  and  low-latency
        Middle East, CMI has established its third   East, Africa, Asia and         connectivity  as well  as
        PoP in Oman enabling better connectivity   Europe.
        within and between the Middle East, Africa,                                 broad       coverage       and
        Asia and Europe. In the future, as more new                                 capacity along  the  Belt
        cables  are  linked  to  this  new  PoP,  CMI's   cables and nine submarine cables
        improved connectivity will  provide an   connecting the Belt and Road region to the   and  Road.  As a trusted
        alternative communications route through   rest of the world, 5G is one of CMI’s growth   and  reputable  wholesale
        this important region.               drivers.                               provider  of  international

        5G roaming:  driving  connectivity and   China  Mobile  Communications  Group   connectivity,  CMI     has
        growth                               Co.,  Ltd.  (“CMCC”)  has  over  70  million   optimised  its services to
        CMI  provides  affordable  voice  and  data   5G  subscribers  and  nearly  140,000  5G
        roaming services along the Belt and Road,   base stations built, and all 5G roaming   cater to customers’ needs.
        covering more than 90% of the region. With   with CMCC is supported by CMI IPX, with   CMI strives to enhance its
        26 cross-border systems, eight terrestrial   the  existing  70  IPX-ready  PoPs  around
                                                                                    wholesale  solutions  and
                                                                                    services to bring  more
                                                                                    value  to our customers."
                                                                                    Dr. Li Feng said.

                                                                                 CMI   has   optimized   IoT   roaming
                                                                                 connectivity, supporting 5G roaming since
                                                                                 last year and planning for NB-IoT roaming
                                                                                 soon. This solution is not only one of the
                                                                                 first to market, but also easy to implement
                                                                                 and backed by 24x7 service support.

                                                                                 "CMI   offers   customers   convenient
                                                                                 communication  services and low-latency
                                                                                 connectivity  as  well  as  broad  coverage
                                                                                 and  capacity  along  the  Belt  and  Road.
                                                                                 As  a  trusted  and  reputable  wholesale
                                                                                 provider of international  connectivity,
                                                                                 CMI has optimised its services to cater to
                                                                                 customers’ needs. CMI strives to enhance
                                                                                 its  wholesale solutions and services to
                                                                                 bring more value to our customers." Dr. Li
                                                                                 Feng said.

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