Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
P. 22


        AT&T and Big Blue Team Up on Transforming Post-Covid Business
        Operations by using 5G, MEC and AI

                                                                                 to  provide  a  more  agile  environment.  At
                                                                                 Yorktown  Heights,  IBM  and  AT&T  will  be
                                                                                 deploying Watson Works, which is a set of
                                                                                 return-to-work  solutions  for  businesses.
                                                                                 Watson Works, which  also includes
                                                                                 Workday's  consulting  service,  embeds  AI
                                                                                 models  to help  businesses  decide  when
                                                                                 it's  safe for their  employees to  return to
                                                                                 work. It also uses AI to manage facilities
                                                                                 while adhering  to new protocols  such as
                                                                                 social distancing in the workplace. Watson
                                                                                 Works could also be used to stagger entry
                                                                                 and  exit  times  of  employees,  and  trace
                                                                                 potential  exposures  if  there's  a  Covid-19
                                                                                 infection. "The low latency of 5G allows for
        The  Covid-19  pandemic  has  evolved   Canepa said in the blog. "From that crisis   remote  operations in industrial settings,
        into  a fluid  situation for  businesses,  but   has come an opportunity: to accelerate the   helping  to keep  workers from harmful
        IBM  and  AT&T  have  a  few  ideas  on  how   business  world’s  digital  transformation.   situations," according to the blog. "And if
        they  can  adapt  going  forward.  AT&T   That’s  why  AT&T  and  IBM,  building  on   any dangerous situations do arise, edge
        and Big Blue will  leverage  the telco's   our long-standing collaboration,  are   computing  is  designed to  let  businesses
        5G and multi-access edge  computing   now focused  on  the  use  of 5G wireless   capture and analyze data quickly without
        (MEC)  technologies  and  IBM's  artificial   networking  and edge  computing as  key   extra  storage  or  processing  on  a  central
        intelligence and cloud capabilities to help   ways to help enterprises emerge smarter,   cloud.  "That  same  processing  ability  can
        businesses  transition into new, post-  more efficient and more resilient as they get   help  employees look after their health
        Covid-19  work  environments.    AT&T  and   fully back to business." Combining the low   with devices to monitor their temperature,
        IBM  announced  a  cloud  partnership  last   latency of 5G, security and MEC with IBM's   oxygen  levels,  blood  pressure  with
        year  that  included the co-development   Watson AI at the Watson research center   instantaneous  feedback.  Hospitals  can
        of  business  solutions.  In  a  bog  post  on   will lead to new use cases for businesses   even take  advantage of similar  advances
        Tuesday,  Mo  Katibeh,  chief  product  and   as employees start to return to their work   to make their current infrastructures more
        platform  officer  at  AT&T  Business,  and   locations One of  the scenarios  the two   reliable, while implementing advances like
        Steve  Canepa,  general  manager  of  the   companies  are  exploring  at  Yorktown   wireless  surgery, robotics,  virtual reality
        global  communications  sector  at  IBM,   Heights includes enabling a researcher to   simulations."  Some  of  the  same  5G  and
        fleshed  out how  both companies  are   remotely  adjust  locations  of  IoT  network   edge  solutions could  also be  used  to
        working together to help  businesses   devices  in  a  laboratory.  Another  includes   analyze  supply chain data,  detect spills
        adapt  to  their  new  work  environments.   enabling  a  systems administrator  to   or spoilage, or monitor metrics  such as
        The collaboration will take place at IBM’s   remotely rewire machines in a data center   crowd density.
        Watson research lab in Yorktown Heights,
        N.Y.  and  include  AT&T  5G+  (mmWave)
        and  MEC  technologies.  MEC,  which  is
        a private cellular, low latency  solution,
        can process data on  a business premise
        instead  of  routing  traffic  over  public
        networks.  AT&T  and  IBM  plan  to  apply
        these  technologies,  along  with  artificial
        intelligence, to showcase the possibilities
        across industries such as manufacturing,
        healthcare, energy and utilities. "In coping
        with  the  coronavirus  crisis, organizations
        around the world have been using digital
        technology  to continue  operating their
        businesses  remotely  while they  wait  for
        the world to return to normal—or at least
        to settle into the next normal," Katibeh and

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