Page 59 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 59



        The Rise of the DX-Organization

                                                                  In the IT services  business,  the  pillars
                                                                  of  people,  process  and technology  have
                                                                  become  hygiene  issues  today - The

                                                                  emphasis no longer is on the process and
                                                                  people part of the services trinity, but on the
                                                                  technology  pillar  as it  is single  handedly
                                                                  driving  transformation.  With extensive
                                                                  possibilities  of  new  disruptive  digital
                                                                  technologies,  technology  is  becoming
                                                                  limitless.  After all, Digital Transformation
                                                                  involves  a radical  rethinking  of  how  an
                                                                  enterprise  uses  technology  to create  and

                                                                  deliver value to customers.

                                                               The history of human civilization is full of stories of men and women
                                                               constantly pushing boundaries in every sphere of life. Whenever
                                                               inventions  and  discoveries  led  to  an  evolved  way  of  life,  it  has
                                                               defined that era. The growing fusion of business and technology
                                                               that has occurred in the last century defines this era and shall
                                                               determine the course of the future too. It is in this context, that
        Pankaj Braroo                                          we must view the rampant growth of digital technologies globally
                                                               and their impact, though not only limited to how companies are
        Regional Head MENA, ICS                                run, but also how they engage with their customers as well. It is
        Tech Mahindra                                          in this ‘last mile’ that change has been both drastic and dramatic.
                                                               Moreover,  these  factors  in  essence  have  let  companies  free  to
                                                               decide their ‘digital’ course.

                                                               As has been the case always, the ‘back office’ has to follow suit.
                                                               Often, with astounding results. The initial wave of offshoring of
                                                               IT services, that made India into an IT powerhouse;  with Ireland,
                                                               East European nations and Philippines amongst others following
                                                               suit; might be in for another jolt. This is because the initial wave
                                                               that depended on passing on benefits of cost arbitrage has more
                                                               or less plateaued out as a business model. The infusion of ‘digital’
                                                               seems to have given it a new lease of life. However, therein also
                                                               lies the danger for IT service providers that fail to see the impact

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