Page 120 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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                         migration  of  consumers  of  all  sorts  and  sizes  away   their associated costs. Rather than a foothold for new
                         from TDM technology, copper loops and local telephone   entrants into the marketplace, they have become a vice,
                         service toward newer, any-distance voice services over   trapping ILECs into preserving outdated technologies
                         next-generation  wireline  and wireless networks and   and  services  at  the  cost  of  a  slower  transition  to
                         the wide range of competitors offering facilities-based   next-generation  networks  and  services  that  benefit
                         voice  service  alongside  over-the-top  VoIP  services,   American consumers and businesses.’
                         we find that the public interest is no longer served by   (August 8, 2019)
                         maintaining  these  legacy  regulatory  obligations  and

                         The  Ministry  of  Information  and  Communications   The  Vietnamese  state  announced  plans  to  sell
                         (MIC) has announced  it is preparing  procedures to   large  stakes  in  Mobifone  and  Vietnam  Posts  and
                         auction off mobile spectrum in the 2600MHz band. The   Telecommunications Group (VPTG) by the end of 2020,
                         frequencies  are expected  to be used  to enhance  LTE   alongside  a  number  of other interests.  In  the past,
        Vietnam          coverage and capacity across the country. Under the   Vietnam  has  struggled  to  garner  investment  into  the
                                                                        many state-owned businesses operating in the country.
                         proposed conditions, winning bidders will be required
                         to  begin  network  deployment  within  24  months  of   Only  35  of  the  127  companies  earmarked  for  share
                         receiving their spectrum license, with existing mobile   sales  in  2017  have  completed  the  process.  Reports
                         operators  required to roll out at  least 5,000 base   state the government plans to sell “up to” 49 per cent
                         stations  within  that  timeframe.  New  market  entrants   of its shareholding in both Mobifone and VPTG, which
                         will only be allowed to begin providing services once   owns  mobile  operator  Vinaphone.  The  operators  are
                         they  have  met  50%  of  either  of  the  following  two   two of the three dominant players in the Vietnamese
                         conditions: provide 4G population coverage of at least   mobile market.  Figures  from  GSMA Intelligence  for
                         75% in all districts, towns and cities within 24 months;   Q2  placed  Vinaphone  as  the  third-largest  player  by
                         or  roll  out  8,500  base  stations  to  supply  4G  in  all   connections (including cellular IoT), with a share of 22
                         districts, towns and cities. Interested parties have been   per cent. Mobifone ranked second on 34 per cent share,
                         given  until  29  August  2019  to  submit  comments  to   while market leader Viettel had 41 per cent. Vietnam’s
                         the Authority of Radio Frequency Management (RFD).   latest sale will see the government dispose of a range
                         (August 20, 2019)            of  stakes  in  93  companies,  in  sectors  ranging  from
                                                                        energy to banking and manufacturing.
                                                                        (August 16, 2019) Bloomberg

                         The  Postal  and  Telecommunications  Regulatory   The supplier undertakes the financing and construction
                         Authority  of  Zimbabwe  (Potraz)  has  invited  bids  for   of the project and after its completion hands it over to
                         the construction of 100 mobile network base stations   Potraz. Potraz reimburses the total project investment
                         targeting  unserviced  areas  so  as  to  expand  network   on  the  basis of an agreed  schedule.”  The  regulator
                         coverage in the country. In a tender statement at the   said a  formal request  for proposal will  be issued
        Zimbabwe         weekend,  Potraz  said  qualified  firms  should  submit   following  a  review  of  the  Expressions  of  Interest
                         their expressions of interest by September 20, 2019 for   received  and  that  qualifying  interested  parties  will
                         designing, construction and commissioning of shared   be  notified  to  submit  proposals  for  the  project.  The
                         telecommunications towers and related infrastructure.   successful implementation of the projects is expected
                         The  projects  would  be  funded  using  resources  from   to help improve access to telecommunication services
                         the  Universal  Services  Fund  (USF),  a  pool  of  funds   and  enhance  overall  development  in  the  outlying
                         contributed by companies in the telecommunications   communities.  In  determining  which  areas  benefit
                         sector and meant for the development and provision   from the USF, Potraz liaises with relevant Government
                         of  telecommunications  in  under-serviced  areas.  “In   ministries, Members of Parliament and other
                         pursuit  of  its  mandate  under  the  Universal  Services   stakeholders  in  the postal and telecommunications
                         Fund,  Potraz  intends  to  extend  rural  coverage  by   sectors  to  identify  least  serviced  areas  in  each
                         constructing 100 base stations in uncovered rural and   province  excluding  Harare  and  Bulawayo.  Targeted
                         remote areas in Zimbabwe. “The base station passive   areas are then surveyed with the assistance of licensed
                         infrastructure should accommodate the existing three   operators  before  funds  are  disbursed  for  any  project
                         mobile network operators and provide spare capacity   that is meant to bring universal access to the public
                         for additional operators,”  said Potraz. “The  project   living in un-serviced areas. Other purposes of the USF
                         is  planned  to  be  implemented  as  a  turnkey  vendor   include  assisting  in  the training of personnel  in  the
                         financed  Build  and  Transfer  joint  venture  agreement.   provision  of  postal  and  telecommunication  services

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