Page 111 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 111


                         The lower house has approved plans to include digital   such as messaging and calling applications, would be
                         platforms in tax reforms which, if written into law, would   covered by the new taxation. Senior lawmaker Patricio
                         oblige international over-the-top (OTT) providers to pay   Melero explained the need for the reform saying: ‘It is
                         VAT on services offered in Chile. The 19% levy would   not  fair  that  some  digital  services  from  abroad  such
        Chile            be  applied  to  ‘digital  services  provided  by  persons   as  Netflix  or  Spotify  do  not  pay  VAT  and  all  those
                         or entities domiciled or residing abroad, regardless
                                                                        who serve in Chile do pay it.’ The official went on to
                         of  where  the  server  or  technological  platform  that   note that such external entities can generate revenue
                         supports them [is located], and to the extent that said   in  Chile  and  impact  the  competitive  environments  of
                         services are used in Chile by natural persons’. Amongst   various  sectors  but  make  no  tax  contribution.  Some
                         the list of services covered by the tax are the provision   details of the plan remain to be settled, however: the
                         of digital content such as movies, videos, music and   tax collection agent is still to be determined and there
                         games, and cloud  storage or computing  and other   is a lack of clarity on areas of potential double-taxation.
                         forms of software as a service (SaaS). The text also   Food delivery services were one area expected to be
                         looks to close any potential loopholes by noting that   affected by the latter, as customers would be charged
                         the tax would be applied independently of the device   VAT on the food, as well as the digital platform used to
                         used to connect to the internet, the access technology,   make the order.
                         or any intervening application or platform. It was not   (August 28, 2019) News Portal Cooperativa
                         made clear whether digital communications services,

                         The telecoms  watchdog,  the Consumer  Protection   even further.’ Levikom Eesti, a provider of IoT and fixed-
                         and  Technical  Regulatory  Authority  (Tarbijakaitse  ja   wireless internet services, filed a complaint in March
                         Tehnilise  Jarelevalve  Amet,  TTJA),  has  defended  its   this  year  saying  that  auctioning  only  three  licenses
                         decision  to split 5G-capable  spectrum  in the  3.6GHz   in  the  3.6GHz  band  would  favor  the  country’s  trio  of
        Estonia          band into three blocks of 130MHz. The decision was   incumbent cellcos, while also hampering competition.
                         made following consultations with operators, it says,   The regulator says the legal challenge ‘has created a
                         and  providing  three  larger  blocks  of  spectrum  rather   situation  where  the  development  of  new  services  is
                         than  a  greater  number  of  smaller  blocks  will  have   delayed  for  an  indefinite  period  and  their  delivery  to
                         benefits for network speed and capacity. In a statement   customers is delayed, which is certainly not beneficial
                         it commented:  ‘The  TTJA is of the opinion  that the   for the overall development of the telecommunications
                         chosen solution is technologically significantly better   market or Estonia’.
                         and more sustainable than splitting the frequency bands   (August 1, 2019)

                         Finland’s  DNA  has  confirmed  that,  following  a   deal having gained EC approval last month, DNA now
                         governmental  plenary  session,  it  has  been  decided   notes that the completion of the deal remains subject
                         that  the  proposed  acquisition  of  a  majority  stake  in   to approval by Finland’s Ministry of Economic Affairs
                         the telco by Norway’s Telenor Group will not have an   and  Employment.  Nonetheless,  it  said  Telenor  Group
        Finland          effect on the Finnish operator’s licenses. In April 2019   expects to conclude the transaction this month, after
                                                                        which it will trigger a mandatory public tender offer for
                         Norway-based telecoms giant Telenor Group entered
                         into separate agreements  with DNA’s  two largest   the remaining outstanding shares in DNA.
                         shareholders  to  acquire  54%  of  its  shares.  With  the   (August 9, 2019)

                         France’s  independent  regulator,  the  National  Agency   and Altice France (SFR, 25). The ANFR also published
                         of Frequencies  (Agence  Nationale des Frequences,   in its monthly update on the number of 2G, 3G and 4G
                         ANFR), has given the green light for 65 trial 5G base   LTE BTS in the country that it had authorized a total of
                         transceivers stations (BTS) in the 3.5GHz band in July,   47,200 sites for LTE use by 1 August 2019, with 42,209
        France           bringing the total authorized 5G sites in the country to   of these BTS currently in service.
                         273. Orange has been allowed to trial fifth-generation   (August 7, 2019)
                         technology  at  191  sites,  followed  by  Bouygues  (57)

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