Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 83


        NTT Plans Satellite Trials

        According to  reports  from  Nikkei, NTT  is   earth, but processing the images in space   with critics noting the technical challenges
        set to explore the concept of satellite data   could  reduce  this to just a  few hours.   as  well  as  legal  ones surrounding ocean
        centers  in partnership  with SKY Perfect   NTT also notes that satellite data centers   deployment. Nonetheless,  results were
        JSAT Holdings, Japan’s first private satellite   could play a key role in data preservation,   finally  gathered  in  2020,  with  the  project
        communications  company.  The project   being  unaffected by  major natural   largely deemed  a  success. Discussions
        will see NTT equip each satellite with the   disasters, such as the earthquakes which   have now turned to how underwater data
        computing  power to process  data, with   hit Japan so regularly.  The  companies   centers  could  be scaled up to power
        the  various satellites working in tandem   hope to launch the satellite in 2025, with   the full suite of  Microsoft Azure cloud
        with one another to function  similarly  to   commercial  operations to begin the   services.  Could NTT’s  space-based data
        an orbital data center. The concept here is   following year. Positioning data centers in   center concept follow a similar trajectory?
        fairly simple. Traditionally, data received   novel locations to improve effectiveness   With  the likes  of SpaceX’s  Starlink
        by a satellite must be transmitted back to   is nothing new for the telecoms industry.   launching over a thousand satellites in the
        Earth in order to be stored and analyzed,   Back  in  2016,  Microsoft’s  Project  last  couple of years, and now Amazon’s
        a  process  which  not only takes  time  but   Natick  began to  explore the concept  of   Project Kuiper hot on their heels, satellite
        also requires a large amount of electricity.   underwater data  centers,  arguing  that   broadband  could  soon  become a major
        NTT suggests that if such processes could   it  had  benefits  such  as  reduced  cooling   player in the telecoms space. The cost of
        instead be handled while still in space, then   costs; the ability to use clean,  renewable   space-based  operations is  dropping  and
        only relevant data would  be  transmitted   tidal energy; and lower latency and better   soon new types of space infrastructure,
        back  to  Earth,  significantly  speeding  up   application performance  for those living   such as  data  centers, will surely  become
        the data exchange. Satellite photographs,   near the coast.  The data  center, which   far more achievable.
        for example, currently take a  day  to be   was  deployed in  2018  near the  Shetland
        sent from a satellite to receivers back on   Islands, was met with much skepticisms,

        Arianespace Vega Launcher Delivers First Pléiades Neo Satellite in Orbit

        Arianespace  has  successfully  delivered   deployed  and  the  first  telemetry  signals   commercial service. Later this year, Airbus
        the  first  satellite  of  the  Pléiades  Neo   were received. Airbus’ control center  in   will launch another satellite Pléiades Neo
        constellation  in  its  planned  orbit.  Toulouse, France, commanded the satellite   4 onboard the Vega rocket. Airbus Defence
        The satellite was  launched  onboard   and initiated early orbit phase activities with   and Space intelligence  head François
        Arianespace’s  European  launcher  Vega   the  aim  of  acquiring  the  first  image  next   Lombard  said:  “The  launch  of  this  first
        from French Guiana. After being placed in   week. The spacecraft will undergo an in-  Pléiades Neo satellite will pave the way to
        orbit, the solar arrays of the satellite were   orbit calibration phase prior to opening for   new services and great  opportunities for
                                                                                 our customers, thanks to its high accuracy
                                                                                 and increased  reactivity.  “The Pléiades
                                                                                 Neo  constellation  will  definitively  boost
                                                                                 the 30cm imagery market, bringing  a  lot
                                                                                 of innovation and coverage capacity to the
                                                                                 commercial and governmental end-users.”
                                                                                 The Pléiades Neo project will  comprise
                                                                                 four identical  satellites  that  are  entirely
                                                                                 funded,  designed, manufactured, owned
                                                                                 and operated by Airbus. Each satellite will
                                                                                 cover half a  million square kilometers  a
                                                                                 day at a 30cm native resolution, providing
                                                                                 high-level insights to commercial and
                                                                                 institutional customers for the next decade.
                                                                                 Customers will  access freshly  acquired
                                                                                 and archive data, as  well as  extensive
                                                                                 analytics through Airbus’ OneAtlas digital
                                                                                 platform.  The Pléiades Neo constellation
                                                                                 will  work  alongside the existing Pléiades
                                                                                 satellites  and the remaining Airbus Earth
                                                                                 observation satellite fleet.

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