Page 5 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 5


               Accounting for what FWA can truly achieve,      to achieve FWA business success, advocate for
               SAMENA Council-supported ELITE FWA Club has     FWA ecosystem sustainability and growth, and
               dedicated itself to fostering dynamic dialogue   to advance FWA deployments across a wide
               as well as experience and knowledge exchange    spectrum of services.
               within the FWA industry in SAMENA Council’s multi-
               regional community. The Club is striving toward   In order to speed up progress-making on the FWA
               enhancing the FWA service experience and driving   front, especially by equipping regional Telecom
               business growth. The Club, to which SAMENA      Operators and relevant stakeholders from across
               ELITE serves as a flagship knowledge-sharing    the SA-ME-NA and Central Asia regions with
               and promotional platform, is also supported by   information, insights, and to allow for visibility and
               the Council’s FWA-centric sub-working groups    achievements of new milestones by the private
               on experience management, add-on service        sector, we invite your interest and participation in
               innovation, and business development. Moreover,   SAMENA ELITE to showcase your experience in
               the Club is organizing its quarterly members    launching FWA and creating in-demand offerings
               forums to focus on particular areas of interest   in your home market.
               to FWA stakeholders, and to delve into key areas

                                                                                                        SAMENA ELITE
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