Page 7 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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cloud gaming, cloud VR (collaboration and use case applications across exploration Despite the emerging pandemic conditions
training), 5G live broadcasting backpack, & production, pipeline transportation, of the Corona Virus (COVID-19), stc
AR remote assistance and drone refining and petrochemicals that promise continuously expanding its 5G telecom
inspection, delivering a more enhanced to both improve productivity and make infrastructure with specialize applications
customer experience compared to existing more efficient use of human resources. for every industrial sector to accelerate
public networks with high level of security. and enable our customers to embrace
One of the most important benefits of the In the ongoing and post digitalization over 5G broadband
5G is the design flexibility, allowing the backbone. stc Enterprise Business Unit,
network to be customized based on the Covid-19 situation, the in addition to other telecom products and
enterprise need. demand for digitalization services already identifying 5G technology
use cases which support our customers in
For Smart Campus’ project, the ability to for every sector in the meeting future market demands, through
slice the network allows the operators to market is going to increase emerging technology based innovative
assign a specific slice to specific use case products and enterprise solutions in the
ensuring the highest resource utilization exponentially, which will field of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data,
and address diverse Quality of Service eventually put pressure on Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and
(QoS) requirements. For instance, one network utilization, and Cyber security.
network slice can be designed to deliver
and support low latency & low data rate use this is the rational where “the importance of stc DARE strategy where
cases while the other network slice can be 5G broadband is going stc business working on future solutions
configured for high throughput ones. today, by introducing new breed of digital
to be a critical factor and services such as SAYEN, Virtual Clinic, EMI
stc 5G Smart Campus solutions will become a lifeline for many and innovative enterprise solutions such
facilitate the introduction of different businesses. 5G Smart Campus solution which is in line
service standards for enterprises, Oil with the vision 2030 program, to accelerate
rigs, gas exploration, educations, medical the digitization of government and private
treatment, mining, and other industries In the ongoing and post Covid-19 situation, sectors and to support the kingdom’s
with diversified and remote infrastructure the demand for digitalization for every digital vision”.
to resolve challenges related to: capacity, sector in the market is going to increase
density, coverage, security, high operational exponentially, which will eventually put In coming 2 years we foresee that 5G high
cost, and complex management. pressure on network utilization, and this is speed broadband will be the key driver
the rational where 5G broadband is going for operators in Middle East to increase
5G is a critical element for accelerating to be a critical factor and become a lifeline 5G investments, to continuously expand
digital transformational across multiple for many businesses. We also foresee that the 5G footprint and focus on 5G value
industries such as Oil & Gas, Healthcare, 5G rollouts would be doubled to meet the creation for customers, using advance
Public Sector, Education, Government growing customer demand, and operators applications through partnerships,
etc., however, it benefits from additional worldwide will need to continue to invest in customer co-creation and making 5G one
elements such as low latency, high 5G-infrastructure expansion, to stay ahead of the most powerful networks delivering
speed, and edge computing is going to of the global competition. digital services not only in Middle East but
unlock many industrial applications. The Worldwide.
opportunities for new 5G enabled Industry
4.0 solutions at the operational sites are
therefore significantly enhanced to include
use cases requiring cloud analytics and AI
based automation.
Especially considering the Saudi’s Oil & Gas
sector, 5G has arguably come along at just
the right time; providing oil & gas sector
with a new vehicle to drive many of the
much-needed productivity and efficiency
gains required to be competitive in the
post Covid-19 world, and simultaneously
make significant strides towards meeting
Industrial digital transformation objectives.
Today, it is the combination of 5G and edge
computing that is unlocking a range of new
7 JUNE-JULY 2020