About RISE 2023
The SAMENA Council RISE (Rising for Industry Sustainability & Efficiencies) Conference is about rising to new challenges and making progress as new digital applications, services, platforms, and new business as well as operating models surface on the digital horizon. RISE is also about addressing new needs of the businesses, economic sectors and industries, and the society at large. Thus “sustainability” takes the center stage and is assessed with the right policy lens and conducive regulatory measures. RISE, as a new model of leadership discourse and display, aims to contribute to the creation of new technology synergies and efficiencies within and beyond the ICT Industry, to help accelerate efficient digital transformation.
The RISE Conference in Riyadh aims to showcase how metaphorical desertification of the past is now catalyzing digitalization of the future.
RISE Promo

H.E. Ms. Doreen Bogdan Martin
Secretary General, ITU
H.E Dr. Mohammed Saud Al-Tamimi
Governor, CST
Eng. Olayan M. Alwetaid
Chairman, SAMENA CouncilCEO, stc Group

Mr. Edward Mermelstein
CommissionerNew York City

H.E. Dr. Margarete Schramböck
Former Minister of Digital & Economic Affairs - Austria
H.E. Ms. Deemah Al Yahya
Secretary GeneralDCO

Mr. Amandeep Singh Gill
Under-Secretary General & Special Envoy on Technology - UN
H.E. Eng. Bassam Al-Sarhan
Chairman & CEOTRC Jordan

H.E. Mr. Philip Marnick
General DirectorTRA Bahrain

Mr. Amir Algibreen
Group Chief Regulatory and Compliance Officer - stc Group
Eng. Alaa Al Maliki

Mr. Amer Bukvic
Acting Director General of Global Practices & Partnerships, IDB
Mr. Abdul Rahman Al Marzouqi
Director Policies and Programs Department, TDRA
Ms. AlFhadah AlBaiz
Director – Sector DevelopmentMCIT

Mr. Jawad Jalal Abbassi
Head Of MENA - Government & Regulatory Affairs, GSMA
Mr. Yazeed A. Alfaris
VP of Application Sectorstc

Mr. Abdulhadi Alhassani
VP Corporate StrategyArabsat

Mr. Bocar A. BA
CEO & Board MemberSAMENA Council

Mr. Baraka Wu
Deputy Managing DirectorChina Mobile International

Mr. Adam MacHale
VP Service Provider EMEACisco

Mr. Ramzi Khoury

Mr. Thomas Kuruvilla
Managing PartnerAD Little

Mr. Ram Ramachandran
Managing Director MEATech Mahindra

Mr. Marc Biosca
Senior PartnerKearney

Mr. Philippe Defraigne
Co-Founder & DirectorCullen International

Mr. Alexander Popovskiy
Director of Strategic InitiativesYandex Maps

Mr. Ghassan Murat
Regional Vice PresidentMENA - Eutelsat

Dr. Brahim Ghribi
Head of Government & Policy Affairs MEA - Nokia
Mr. Hussein Oteifa
General Manager Middle EastSES

Mr. Nour Al Atassi
Director Service Providers - MEA, Turkey, India, APAC & CIS - AvayaAgenda
Sustainable ICT Development:
The Future of Digital Visions & Cross-Industry Innovation
- Opening Ceremony10:00 AM - 10:20 AM
- Morning Session10:20 AM - 12:30 PM
- Afternoon Session12:30 PM - 03:40 PM
- Evening Session04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Opening, Host Welcome and Keynote Messages

Mr. Bocar BA
CEO & Board MemberSAMENA Council

H.E. Dr. Mohammed bin Saud AlTamimi
GovernorCST Commission

Eng. Olayan M. Alwetaid
Chairman, SAMENA CouncilCEO, stc Group

H.E. Ms. Doreen Bogdan Martin
Secretary GeneralITU
Digital Cooperation to Support National Visions

H.E. Ms. Deemah Al Yahya
Secretary GeneralDCO
RISE Leaders Session Frontiers beyond Connectivity & Technologies Shaping Cross-sector Synergies
To consider: Investment Gaps. Going beyond connectivity products. Web 3.0 Landscape – its implications and applications. Vertical-sector opportunities. Transforming roles and expectations among stakeholders.
About this discussion track:
It is now well-established that telecommunications services and networks are crucial to everyday life, serving as the bedrock of the digital economy and conduit of social, economic, and political activity. But paradoxically, telcos’ crucial role within the society and the enterprise service landscape still requires to be translated into strong returns for the shareholders. In the context of new demands on networks through key developments, including but not limited to Web 3.0 and the role of ICTs in sustainable development, new pressures are coming towards Telecom Operators to invest even more, requiring new ways of doing things, and working closely with diverse groups of stakeholders, including policymakers, other digital space players, satellite service providers, to name a few. The focus for all is to create new value, offer relevant services in the digital economy, and help fulfill national ICT visions that transcend beyond mere connectivity.
This session will explore what the future looks like for all different stakeholders in a meshed world where economic, social and business activities require advanced, resilient and secure communications networks.

Mr. Ramzi Khoury

Eng. Alaa Al Maliki

H.E. Dr. Margarete Schramböck
Former Minister of Digital & Economic AffairsAustria

Mr. Abdul Rahman Al Marzouqi
Director Policies and Programs DepartmentTDRA

Mr. Abdulhadi Alhassani
VP Corporate StrategyArabsat

Mr. Jawad Jalal Abbassi
Head Of MENA - Government & Regulatory AffairsGSMA
11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Coffee Break
Digital Transformation and Municipal Services

Mr. Edward Mermelstein
CommissionerNew York City
Sustainability Imperatives for the Tech Industry

Mr. Sherif Hamoudah
Head of Ecosystems and ChannelsSAP Signavio Middle East & Africa
Rising to Challenges Digital Policies for a Sustainable Digital Future
To consider: G5 classification examples in the GCC. Challenges in digital development. Role of the private sector and the regulators in actionable policymaking. Evolving digital ecosystem. IoT. Regulatory sandbox approaches. Cross-border data flows. Evolution in policy and regulatory approaches. Supply-chain sustainability.
About this discussion track:
The ICT Sector is widely acknowledged as a cross-cutting enabler for sustainable development. ICTs are accelerators, amplifiers, and augmenters of change, making it feasible to more flexibly and dynamically reconfigure, and hence transform all aspects of how resources are produced and used. Given that ICT-enabled solutions are driving impact across various sectors, where smart manufacturing and smart agriculture, smart buildings, smart metering, and smart mobility could contribute to achieving more than 70% of the total global emission reduction potential, for example, there are major challenges associated with “sustainability” of Business, Digital Transformation, Resources, Environment, and overall Human Well-being. It is high time that digital space players, policymakers, and regulators champion rectification of various sustainability-related challenges.
This session explores various dimensions of a sustainability-driven digital future, and the types of policies, strategies and measures required to ensure, for example, that ICTs are transformed to become greener, enabling a truly sustainable digital future.

Mr. Thomas Kuruvilla
Managing PartnerAD Little

H.E. Eng. Bassam Al-Sarhan
Chairman & CEOTRC Jordan

H.E. Mr. Philip Marnick
General DirectorTRA Bahrain

Mr. Amir Algibreen
Group Chief Regulatory and Compliance Officerstc Group

Mr. Adam MacHale
VP Service Provider EMEACisco
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Prayer Break & Luncheon
Financial Industry Perspectives Digital Development and the Financial Sectors

Mr. Amer Bukvic
Acting Director General of Global Practices & PartnershipsIslamic Development Bank
ICT Industry Perspectives Sustainable Development through 5G

Mr. Baraka Wu
Deputy Managing DirectorChina Mobile International
The 180° Shift Evolution of Digital Transformation – Lessons Learned, Actions Planned
To consider: Catalysts in digital adoption. National ICT and socioeconomic visions. Achieving sustainable advantages in the Telecom and Vertical businesses. Agility in technology deployment. Emerging technologies. Digital-development cooperation.
About this discussion track:
Many countries, including in the GCC region, have realized well that digital transformation and the proliferation of ICTs can help contribute to addressing many pressing challenges that governments are confronted with, such as population growth, increasing urbanization and related pressures on non-renewable resources, as well as socio-economic issues such as access to education, healthcare, public services and more. Countries in the region have acted with foresight and have introduced national digital economy and ICT visions, with horizons defined beyond 2040 in some cases. Fulfilling such visions, however, requires preparing the ground for smooth technology adoption, enabling both ICT-centric and ICT-driven sectors to collaborate more, building a complex digital services ecosystem in a sustainable manner, and materializing cooperation on multiple fronts.
This session will explore the landscape of digital transformation across the region, with focus on what has worked, what did not, and where evolution is required in terms of strategy, vision, policy, and implementation to meet the set goals.

Mr. Marc Biosca
Senior PartnerKearney

Mr. Ram Ramachandran
Managing Director MEATech Mahindra

Mr. Nour Al Atassi
Director Service Providers - MEA, Turkey, India,APAC & CIS - Avaya

Mr. Amr. Farouk
Marketing & Services Solution DirectorHuawei Middle East & Central Asia

Dr. Amani A. Albraikan
Assistant Professor - Artificial IntelligencePrincess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University

Mr. Yazeed A. Alfaris
VP of Application Sectorstc
United Nations Connect Agenda and Policy Recommendations

Mr. Amandeep Singh Gill
Under-Secretary General & Special Envoy on TechnologyUnited Nations
Elevating the Debate New Horizons in Rising for Industry Sustainability & Efficiency
To consider: ICT ecosystem sustainability challenges in the age of Metaverse. Realizing e-health, e-government, e-education. Big Tech and Internet platforms. Terrestrial & Satellite synergies.
About this discussion track:
The digital economy is made up of many different stakeholders, providing many different types of technologies, infrastructure, specialist knowledge, guidance, and value-adding digital services. To ensure that national visions and associated KPIs, such as digital education or digitalization of the national electricity grid, or e-government can become a reality, all stakeholders need to work toward meeting sustainability and efficiency requirements in the collective interest of all. This is only possible based on deep and long-lasting partnerships that maintain a balance of incentives among key actors. Furthermore, because our dependency on communication technologies - whether provided by Telecom Operators, Satellite Operators, or Internet Companies - coupled with the acceleration of technology innovation, has increased the need for new regulatory tools and policies, there is a longstanding need to foster: trust-building, consumer privacy protection, freedom of speech and security without dampening growth or inhibiting innovation, realizing synergies, leveraging expertise, among other factors unique to each stakeholder group. This will require an agile, flexible and transparent approach to governance along with multi-stakeholder cooperation and collaboration.
This session examines key challenges of the digital world as they relate to partnerships along the digital value-chain. Moreover, it examines new horizons for the ICT ecosystem and for policymakers, and the challenges and opportunities stemming from those horizons.

Mr. Philippe Defraigne
Co-Founder & DirectorCullen International

Ms. AlFhadah AlBaiz
Director - Sector DevelopmentMCIT KSA

Mr. Alexander Popovskiy
Director of Strategic InitiativesYandex Maps

Mr. Ghassan Murat
Regional Vice President MENAEutelsat

Dr. Brahim Ghribi
Head of Government & Policy Affairs MEANokia

Mr. Hussein Oteifa
General Manager Middle EastSES