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Nexign accelerates CSP’s transition to leaner operations with database-agnostic and modular BSS

According to TM Forum, cost continues to be the most common reason communications service providers (CSPs) cite for changing BSS suppliers in the market today. In particular, 36% of CSPs consider cost to be the most important cause of shifting to another BSS, while technology ranks second in the list. A new generation of full-stack, convergent, and modular Nexign BSS released by Nexign, a leading provider of BSS and digitalization solutions, helps CSPs transit towards leaner operations based on an agile and responsive business model.

The updated Nexign BSS is built on a microservices-based and database-agnostic architecture. The new solution, unlike traditional monolithic BSS, puts CSPs on fast track to implementing changes and launching new services. With the ability to select a core database even for high-load components, CSPs can use preferable solutions based on their technological roadmap and budget. The solution components are developed using trusted open-source software, further minimizing the risks of vendor lock-in and significantly reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the operator.

CSPs can tailor a modular and convergent Nexign BSS to their unique transformation imperatives for business growth and diversification. For instance, they can turn into digital ecosystem enablers, best-in-class connectivity providers or 5G economy frontrunners. With Nexign BSS, telecom operators can swap the legacy monolithic and fragmented systems for a single convergent billing platform for the end-to-end business automation. The service providers launching a new business line can plug-and-play specific modules needed to bring their first offerings to market, such as revenue management or partner monetization.

The Nexign BSS core provides the universal monetization engine to let CSPs capitalize on scenarios for any connectivity and digital service, line of business, or network type and generation, including 5G SA. Telecom operators get an opportunity to increase ARPU by providing subscribers with bundles that encompass various telecom services, digital services, and partner products. The inherent low-code/no-code functionality helps CSPs configure new products and business processes without the need to modify software modules or involve a vendor.

A unified approach of Nexign BSS helps CSPs serve customers across multiple channels. The solution’s open architecture is aligned with TM Forum's Open APIs and key industry standards, facilitating seamless integration of BSS into existing IT landscapes and accelerating the testing and rollout of new products. The platform has deployment options on-premise and in the cloud and supports horizontal and vertical scalability to meet the CSP's requirements for performance and resiliency. Nexign BSS comes with predefined continuous integration and continuous deployment automation. It also streamlines the management of products and product orders with a catalog-driven approach.

Source: Press Release